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  • Category : Embeded-SCM Develop
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  • Update : 2018-04-21
  • Size : 1.68mb
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  • Author :S****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
His basic function is, in the four groups of the competition, the first answer to answer the answer signal, at this time the other answer circuit lost control, in the priority to answer the answer at a fixed time to answer, or directly button a point
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
QDQ\db 0 2017-06-29
QDQ\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat 2156 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\mux_mtc.tdf 95811 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\prev_cmp_QDQ.asm.qmsg 2206 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\prev_cmp_QDQ.eda.qmsg 4271 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 33304 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 6307 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\prev_cmp_QDQ.qmsg 11256 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\prev_cmp_QDQ.sim.qmsg 5226 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\prev_cmp_QDQ.sta.qmsg 22679 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.(0).cnf.cdb 2617 2017-06-21
QDQ\db\QDQ.(0).cnf.hdb 1006 2017-06-21
QDQ\db\QDQ.(1).cnf.cdb 1900 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.(1).cnf.hdb 995 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.(2).cnf.cdb 2302 2017-06-20
QDQ\db\QDQ.(2).cnf.hdb 902 2017-06-20
QDQ\db\QDQ.analyze_file.qmsg 2202 2017-06-29
QDQ\db\QDQ.asm.qmsg 2206 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.asm.rdb 1321 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.asm_labs.ddb 6898 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cbx.xml 334 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.bpm 546 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.cbp 187 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.cdb 5705 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.ecobp 28 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.hdb 10122 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.kpt 199 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.logdb 11582 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp.rdb 16871 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cmp_merge.kpt 205 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cuda_io_sim_cache.45um_ff_1200mv_0c_fast.hsd 293197 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.cuda_io_sim_cache.45um_ss_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd 292672 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.db_info 137 2017-06-16
QDQ\db\ 161 2017-06-29
QDQ\db\QDQ.eda.qmsg 4271 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.eds_overflow 4 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 27434 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.fnsim.cdb 134008 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.fnsim.hdb 51948 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.fnsim.qmsg 11256 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.hier_info 933 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.hif 1580 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.lpc.html 430 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.lpc.rdb 385 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.lpc.txt 1060 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 531 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 1935 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 28 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 9590 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 355 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 4 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\ 7006 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.map_bb.cdb 843 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.map_bb.hdb 8257 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.map_bb.logdb 4 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.pre_map.cdb 2081 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.pre_map.hdb 9550 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.rtlv.hdb 9549 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.rtlv_sg.cdb 1863 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb 178 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sgdiff.cdb 2002 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sgdiff.hdb 9674 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sim.cvwf 1108 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sim.hdb 4351 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sim.qmsg 3318 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sim.rdb 136023 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.simfam 10 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sld_design_entry.sci 200 2017-06-29
QDQ\db\QDQ.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci 200 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.smart_action.txt 8 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sta.qmsg 10630 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sta.rdb 7306 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.sta_cmp.8_slow_1200mv_85c.tdb 5075 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.syn_hier_info 0 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.tis_db_list.ddb 196 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.tiscmp.fast_1200mv_0c.ddb 118430 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.tiscmp.fastest_slow_1200mv_0c.ddb 103669 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.tiscmp.fastest_slow_1200mv_85c.ddb 103655 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.tiscmp.slow_1200mv_0c.ddb 118850 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\QDQ.tiscmp.slow_1200mv_85c.ddb 118733 2017-06-22
QDQ\db\wed.wsf 7688 2017-06-22
QDQ\FENPIN.vhd 2920 2017-06-21
QDQ\FENPIN.vhd.bak 2919 2017-06-18
QDQ\FENPIN.vwf 5441 2017-06-19
QDQ\incremental_db 0 2017-06-16
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions 0 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\QDQ.root_partition.cmp.cdb 3279 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\QDQ.root_partition.cmp.dfp 33 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\QDQ.root_partition.cmp.hdb 9589 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\QDQ.root_partition.cmp.kpt 203 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\QDQ.root_partition.cmp.logdb 4 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\QDQ.root_partition.cmp.rcfdb 2676 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 2767 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 1767 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 757 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 9017 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 358 2017-06-22
QDQ\incremental_db\README 653 2017-06-16
QDQ\JISHI.vhd 1286 2017-06-20
QDQ\JISHI.vhd.bak 2131 2017-06-19
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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