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  • Category : AI-NN-PR
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  • Update : 2018-04-22
  • Size : 111kb
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  • Author :oliver******
  • About : Nobody
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The least squares support vector machine toolbox algorithm based on Bayesian framework is of high practicability.
Packet file list
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LSSVM\AFEm.m 3437 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_errorbar.m 5785 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_initlssvm.m 1998 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_lssvm.m 10339 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_lssvmARD.m 8187 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_modoutClass.m 9358 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_optimize.m 5843 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bay_rr.m 4312 2014-07-09
LSSVM\bitreverse32.m 1479 2014-07-09
LSSVM\changelssvm.m 5576 2014-07-09
LSSVM\cilssvm.m 4744 2014-07-09
LSSVM\code.m 4245 2014-07-09
LSSVM\codedist_bay.m 2107 2014-07-09
LSSVM\codedist_hamming.m 753 2014-07-09
LSSVM\codedist_loss.m 2015 2014-07-09
LSSVM\codelssvm.m 4126 2014-07-09
LSSVM\code_ECOC.m 5194 2014-07-09
LSSVM\code_MOC.m 548 2014-07-09
LSSVM\code_OneVsAll.m 361 2014-07-09
LSSVM\code_OneVsOne.m 576 2014-07-09
LSSVM\crossvalidate.m 5847 2014-07-09
LSSVM\crossvalidatelssvm.m 3941 2014-07-09
LSSVM\csa.m 3188 2014-07-09
LSSVM\democlass.m 3461 2014-07-09
LSSVM\democonfint.m 2147 2014-07-09
LSSVM\demofun.m 3972 2014-07-09
LSSVM\demomodel.m 4772 2014-07-09
LSSVM\demomulticlass.m 2299 2014-07-09
LSSVM\demo_fixedclass.m 2251 2014-07-09
LSSVM\demo_fixedsize.m 3233 2014-07-09
LSSVM\demo_yinyang.m 3447 2014-07-09
LSSVM\denoise_kpca.m 3596 2014-07-09
LSSVM\eign.m 3783 2014-07-09
LSSVM\gcrossvalidate.m 3300 2014-07-09
LSSVM\gcrossvalidatelssvm.m 2092 2014-07-09
LSSVM\gridsearch.m 6922 2014-07-09
LSSVM\initlssvm.m 3327 2014-07-09
LSSVM\kentropy.m 2201 2014-07-09
LSSVM\kernel_matrix.m 3569 2014-07-09
LSSVM\kernel_matrix2.m 795 2014-07-09
LSSVM\kpca.m 6261 2014-07-09
LSSVM\latentlssvm.m 2395 2014-07-09
LSSVM\latticeseq_b2.m 5836 2014-07-09
LSSVM\leaveoneout.m 3665 2014-07-09
LSSVM\leaveoneoutlssvm.m 2399 2014-07-09
LSSVM\linesearch.m 3755 2014-07-09
LSSVM\linf.m 310 2014-07-09
LSSVM\lin_kernel.m 529 2014-07-09
LSSVM\lssvm.m 1764 2014-07-09
LSSVM\lssvmMATLAB.m 2079 2014-07-09
LSSVM\mae.m 281 2014-07-09
LSSVM\medae.m 302 2014-07-09
LSSVM\misclass.m 684 2014-07-09
LSSVM\MLP_kernel.m 603 2014-07-09
LSSVM\mse.m 282 2014-07-09
LSSVM\plotlssvm.m 9947 2014-07-09
LSSVM\poly_kernel.m 623 2014-07-09
LSSVM\postlssvm.m 4835 2014-07-09
LSSVM\predict.m 3482 2014-07-09
LSSVM\predlssvm.m 5300 2014-07-09
LSSVM\preimage_rbf.m 4453 2014-07-09
LSSVM\prelssvm.m 6319 2014-07-09
LSSVM\progress.m 1147 2014-07-09
LSSVM\range.m 173 2014-07-09
LSSVM\RBF_kernel.m 1105 2014-07-09
LSSVM\rcrossvalidate.m 5941 2014-07-09
LSSVM\rcrossvalidatelssvm.m 4151 2014-07-09
LSSVM\ridgeregress.m 1431 2014-07-09
LSSVM\robustlssvm.m 2145 2014-07-09
LSSVM\roc.m 7483 2014-07-09
LSSVM\rsimplex.m 9913 2014-07-09
LSSVM\simann.m 5365 2014-07-09
LSSVM\simlssvm.m 6414 2014-07-09
LSSVM\simplex.m 9799 2014-07-09
LSSVM\smootherlssvm.m 1144 2014-07-09
LSSVM\tbform.m 3207 2014-07-09
LSSVM\trainlssvm.m 8705 2014-07-09
LSSVM\trimmedmse.m 1708 2014-07-09
LSSVM\tunelssvm.m 22683 2014-07-09
LSSVM\weightingscheme.m 928 2014-07-09
LSSVM\windowize.m 1934 2014-07-09
LSSVM\windowizeNARX.m 1829 2014-07-09
LSSVM\zhichixiangliangji.m 2830 2018-04-20
LSSVM 0 2018-04-22
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