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  • Category : Embeded Linux
  • Tags :
  • Update : 2019-01-11
  • Size : 2.58mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :弥****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Multi-access video surveillance can be realized by jumping channels through QT interface
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
VM6000 0 2014-12-27
VM6000\excelhelper.cpp 6044 2014-12-26
VM6000\excelhelper.h 632 2014-12-26
VM6000\file 0 2014-12-26
VM6000\file\config.txt 550 2014-12-26
VM6000\file\VM.db 16384 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmconfig.cpp 5851 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmconfig.h 860 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmconfig.ui 19117 2014-12-26
VM6000\frminputbox.cpp 1662 2014-12-26
VM6000\frminputbox.h 801 2014-12-26
VM6000\frminputbox.ui 8946 2014-10-12
VM6000\frmipc.cpp 12835 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmipc.h 1054 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmipc.ui 15779 2014-12-25
VM6000\frmmain.cpp 20234 2014-12-27
VM6000\frmmain.h 2625 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmmain.ui 31751 2014-12-21
VM6000\frmmessagebox.cpp 2258 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmmessagebox.h 742 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmmessagebox.ui 9470 2014-10-12
VM6000\frmnvr.cpp 11647 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmnvr.h 807 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmnvr.ui 14593 2014-12-25
VM6000\frmpollconfig.cpp 12804 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmpollconfig.h 1708 2014-12-26
VM6000\frmpollconfig.ui 10243 2014-12-25
VM6000\iconhelper.cpp 634 2014-12-26
VM6000\iconhelper.h 784 2014-12-26
VM6000\image 0 2014-12-27
VM6000\image\add-line_horizontal.png 151 2014-08-05
VM6000\image\add-line_vertical.png 2837 2013-09-11
VM6000\image\add.png 4244 2013-12-30
VM6000\image\array_down.png 2837 2013-09-11
VM6000\image\btncheckoff.png 2100 2013-05-26
VM6000\image\btncheckon.png 2464 2013-05-26
VM6000\image\btn_pause_normal.png 4612 2013-08-13
VM6000\image\btn_pause_press.png 3712 2013-08-13
VM6000\image\btn_play_normal.png 5066 2013-08-13
VM6000\image\btn_play_press.png 4098 2013-08-13
VM6000\image\checkbox_checked.png 691 2014-05-23
VM6000\image\checkbox_unchecked.png 581 2014-05-23
VM6000\image\close.png 6312 2013-12-30
VM6000\image\delete.png 7215 2013-07-22
VM6000\image\error.png 2477 2013-05-26
VM6000\image\excel.png 8750 2013-07-22
VM6000\image\Font Awesome Cheatsheet.png 594652 2014-07-29
VM6000\image\fontawesome-webfont.ttf 141564 2014-08-05
VM6000\image\info.png 2956 2013-05-26
VM6000\image\ipc_normal.png 285 2014-09-27
VM6000\image\ipc_press.png 216 2014-09-28
VM6000\image\nvr.png 3005 2014-12-19
VM6000\image\qt_zh_CN.qm 117337 2010-09-13
VM6000\image\question.png 3954 2013-05-26
VM6000\image\radio_normal.png 888 2014-05-23
VM6000\image\radio_selected.png 1024 2014-05-23
VM6000\image\sub-line_horizontal.png 148 2014-08-05
VM6000\image\sub-line_vertical.png 2838 2013-09-11
VM6000\image\update.png 8207 2013-07-22
VM6000\main.cpp 1846 2014-12-26
VM6000\main.ico 363566 2014-03-27
VM6000\main.rc 36 2014-10-13
VM6000\myapp.cpp 3628 2014-12-26
VM6000\myapp.h 1502 2014-12-26
VM6000\myhelper.h 10161 2014-12-26
VM6000\rc.qrc 1266 2014-12-27
VM6000\switchbutton.cpp 1098 2014-12-26
VM6000\switchbutton.h 698 2014-12-26
VM6000\ 1188 2014-12-26
VM6000\ 11628 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图 0 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214205.jpg 216245 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214304.jpg 121762 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214312.jpg 131590 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214420.jpg 607674 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214427.jpg 337767 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214437.jpg 89908 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214538.jpg 13340 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\QQ截图20141226214924.jpg 290860 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\ubuntu.jpg 218074 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\win7.jpg 195908 2014-12-27
VM6000\运行截图\xp.jpg 185136 2014-12-27
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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