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  • Update : 2019-05-11
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FilenameSizeUpdate 215 2018-03-29
ex1-linear regression 0 2018-03-26
ex1-linear regression\1.linear_regreesion_v1.ipynb 267369 2018-03-26
ex1-linear regression\ML-Exercise1.ipynb 141940 2018-03-26
ex1-linear regression\ex1.pdf 489928 2018-03-26
ex1-linear regression\ex1data1.txt 1456 2018-03-26
ex1-linear regression\ex1data2.txt 704 2018-03-26
ex2-logistic regression 0 2018-03-26
ex2-logistic regression\1. logistic_regression_v1.ipynb 303021 2018-03-26
ex2-logistic regression\ML-Exercise2.ipynb 103449 2018-03-26
ex2-logistic regression\ex2.pdf 233661 2018-03-26
ex2-logistic regression\ex2data1.txt 3875 2018-03-26
ex2-logistic regression\ex2data2.txt 2351 2018-03-26
ex3-neural network 0 2018-03-26
ex3-neural network\1- neural network.ipynb 92908 2018-03-26
ex3-neural network\ML-Exercise3.ipynb 16641 2018-03-26
ex3-neural network\ex3.pdf 293703 2018-03-26
ex3-neural network\ex3data1.mat 7511764 2018-03-26
ex3-neural network\ex3weights.mat 79592 2018-03-26
ex4-NN back propagation 0 2018-03-27
ex4-NN back propagation\1- NN back propagation.ipynb 199607 2018-03-27
ex4-NN back propagation\ML-Exercise4.ipynb 23783 2018-03-27
ex4-NN back propagation\ex4.pdf 356692 2018-03-26
ex4-NN back propagation\ex4data1.mat 7511764 2018-03-26
ex4-NN back propagation\ex4weights.mat 79592 2018-03-26
ex5-bias vs variance 0 2018-03-27
ex5-bias vs variance\ML-Exercise5.ipynb 160315 2018-03-26
ex5-bias vs variance\ex5.pdf 187357 2018-03-26
ex5-bias vs variance\ex5data1.mat 1321 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM 0 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\1- linear SVM.ipynb 79294 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\2- Gaussian kernels.ipynb 144083 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\3- search for the best parameters.ipynb 13535 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\4- spam filter.ipynb 6052 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\ML-Exercise6.ipynb 183913 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data 0 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\emailSample1.txt 403 2018-03-26
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ex6-SVM\data\ex6data2.mat 7604 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\ex6data3.mat 6038 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\spamSample1.txt 697 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\spamSample2.txt 253 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\spamTest.mat 112717 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\spamTrain.mat 428814 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\data\vocab.txt 22139 2018-03-26
ex6-SVM\ex6.pdf 335649 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA 0 2018-03-27
ex7-kmeans and PCA\1- visualize data.ipynb 47054 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\2- 2D kmeans.ipynb 164013 2018-03-27
ex7-kmeans and PCA\3- kmeans for image compression.ipynb 308046 2018-03-27
ex7-kmeans and PCA\4- 2D PCA.ipynb 68633 2018-03-27
ex7-kmeans and PCA\5- PCA on face data.ipynb 695801 2018-03-27
ex7-kmeans and PCA\ML-Exercise7.ipynb 397107 2018-03-27
ex7-kmeans and PCA\data 0 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\data\bird_small.mat 45606 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\data\bird_small.png 33031 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\data\ex7data1.mat 995 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\data\ex7data2.mat 4784 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\data\ex7faces.mat 11027767 2018-03-26
ex7-kmeans and PCA\ex7.pdf 715940 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation 0 2018-04-02
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\1- Anomaly detection.ipynb 71980 2018-04-02
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\2- Recommender system.ipynb 16985 2018-04-02
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\ML-Exercise8.ipynb 157807 2018-04-02
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\data 0 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\data\ex8_movieParams.mat 201196 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\data\ex8_movies.mat 223396 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\data\ex8data1.mat 9501 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\data\ex8data2.mat 93481 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\data\movie_ids.txt 50123 2018-03-26
ex8-anomaly detection and recommendation\ex8.pdf 248181 2018-03-26
img 0 2018-03-26
img\cov_mat.png 2415 2018-03-26
img\f1_score.png 50462 2018-03-26
img\gradient_checking.png 8645 2018-03-26
img\linear_cost.png 5447 2018-03-26
img\linear_gradient.png 3999 2018-03-26
img\linear_reg_cost.png 8720 2018-03-26
img\linear_reg_gradient.png 19008 2018-03-26
img\logistic_cost.png 19971 2018-03-26
img\logistic_gradient.png 15637 2018-03-26
img\mapped_feature.png 6659 2018-03-26
img\nn_cost.png 20153 2018-03-26
img\nn_model.png 122189 2018-03-26
img\nn_reg_grad.png 27302 2018-03-26
img\nn_regcost.png 36211 2018-03-26
img\pca_projection.png 23134 2018-03-26
img\rcmd_cost.png 17928 2018-03-26
img\rcmd_gradient.png 13770 2018-03-26
img\rcmd_reg_grad.png 15027 2018-03-26
img\rcmd_vectorized_grad.png 5322 2018-03-26
img\reg_cost.png 7283 2018-03-26
img\reg_gradient.png 8390 2018-03-26
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