Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Data structure course design
There is a square map of Map_Long * Map_Width (BoxSize * BoxSize for each square) and a small snake with 3*3 squares at the center of the map. Once the game has started, a large mouse (a box) is generated at random locations on the map. The small snake automatically moves in one direction, and the user can change the direction of the snake by pressing: up, down, left and right. When the snake eats the big rat, the snake moves to its head coordinates equal to the mouse's coordinates, the snake's length increases by 1. So on, as the small snake into the serpent, the game difficulty also will increase, but when the small snake to eat into their own body or head hit the barrier, will buckle to little snake's life value, until the little snake life is 0, the game failed. In the game, the little snake eats up all the mice, and the game wins.