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  • Category : Embeded Linux
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  • Update : 2012-11-26
  • Size : 4.93mb
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  • Author :王***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Device ID burn write program. Exe Software description: & gt; 1) open this program first. The device is good serial number. Other default values will be available. Open the serial port (the default starting of the serial port 1). The device then presses the OK button to turn it on. & gt; 2) check "automatically generate the next device ID" and the product ID will automatically add 1. When the product ID reaches the maximum 999999, the production batch automatically adds 1 and the product ID is set to 1000001 & gt; 3) after finishing a machine, do not close the program, simply insert the serial port into the next machine OK, enter UBOOT, and then click the command to send the handshake, and then start to write the device ID. & gt; 4) only after the firing is successful, the next device ID is automatically generated, which is written to C:\ID.TXT file. & gt; 5) when the device ID is read, the time and device ID of all previous success will be displayed in the debug area, or directly check C:\ID.TXT & gt; File. & gt; 6) the written device ID storage file can be changed. & gt; 7) field product type product ID hardware code software code production batch Range 101~999 100001~999999 A~H 01~99 01~99 8) after each startup, enter the normal user mode automatically. After entering the password, enter the admin user. In the following state Indicates that the current user is displayed. 9) the current user type is displayed below, and the number of successful chars is successful. 10) the initial permission password is dongyao 11) automatically save the ID information and the number of written messages when the program is closed. 12)BUG: don't press enter in the permission password box. Otherwise you will quit.
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