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Title: 3D_OnlineGame_Humen Download
 Description: The use of C++ (IDE environment for VC), DX prepared a set of 3D online games in Korea source code .1: source engine, including its development, client integrity of resources and source code, the server source code. Engine test code, .2 engine tool: to ensure that the compiler through. can be directly run the server and the client .3: Internal Notes most have been finished. facilitate learning .4: .5 without any decompression Password: Records document has since been easy to understand and learn The code .6: Internal large number of excellent resources 3D/2D art no compression packing, can be used for reference .7: Whether you are learning to prepare the engine, engine to achieve a functional, client and server-side logic, and even game development structure, Art and Design, both from the sets of code have access to even more gains.
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