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Title: 操作系统课程设计 文件管理系统 Download
 Description: File system management in memory for file storage space can be created to open up files and folders (at least two directory: Analog DOS file system operation can store the contents of the documents can view delete and modify the file (15 2, system design features: According to subject to design functional assessment procedures: (1, functional design: functional design is comprehensive, whether the omission of 2, the completion of the functional aspects of the design of algorithms: algorithms are effective, ease of algorithm 3, computing demonstration areas: the design process can Run, run-time whether to consider each case 4, programming the contents of the report: program features, the program module structure, flow chart, source list of 5, teachers questioned
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操作系统课程设计 文件管理系统

.............................\Rose Module.doc

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