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Title: Huffmatreeofdatastructure Download
 Description: Huffman tree is also called the optimal binary tree is a weighted length of the shortest path tree. The right tree with the so-called path length, is the tree of all the leaf nodes of the right value multiplied by its path length of the root node (root node is 0 if the layer of leaf nodes to root node of the path length for the leaf node layers). Tree path length with the right mind for the WPL = (W1* L1+ W2* L2+ W3* L3+...+ Wn* Ln), N a weight Wi (i = 1,2, ... n) constitute a trees have a N-leaf nodes of the tree, the corresponding leaf nodes of the path length for the Li (i = 1,2, ... n). Huffman tree can prove that the smallest of the WPL.
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  • [HUFMM] - Huffman tree is also called the optimal
  • [huffman] - Enter the character codes and weights of
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