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Title: 实验报告1 地图着色 Download
 Description: 1. To two-dimensional array list [N+ 1] that the map, N, said the regional number of elements in the array value of 0 indicated that he did not adjacent, 1, said adjacent limit the number of regional N <= 50. 2. The number of users to enter the region N, and then enter the adjacent region code, adjacent can only write once, region code 0 ~ N, N months for the region, an external region, or enter N-1, may not include the external region, N regions by the user-defined 3. Output using one-to-one approach, a regional counterpart of a different color forms: regional code == color code (1 ~ 4) = color 4. This procedure can be an arbitrary map of staining and staining of up to only four colors
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