Description: M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup
cit ies and returns the same start ing city. The to tal length of all subtours is required to be m ini2
mum. Th is is calledM ult ip le T raveling Salesmen P roblem (M TSP). There are various heurist ic
methods to obtain op t imal o r near2op t imal so lut ions fo r the TSP p roblem. But to the M ult ip le
T raveling Salesmen P roblem , there are no t much app roaches to so lveM TSP. In th is paper, a hy2
brid genet ic algo rithm to so lve TSP and M TSP is p resented. Th is algo rithm combines GA and
heurist ics. N umerical experiments show that the new algo rithm is very efficient and effect ive.
- [GA-bp] - using Matlab is prepared by using geneti
- [MTSPranseti] - Multi-Traveling Salesman Problem (Multip
- [tspga] - TSP ga
- [TSP-GA] - The use of genetic algorithm to solve th
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