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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network Browser Client
Title: mfcie Download
 Description: MFCIE sample using the MFC-CHtmlView and CReBar class to achieve by the Microsoft Internet Explorer provides a subset of the functionality.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader hu4963828]
  • [iemdi_src] - Very good similar IE but multi- documen
  • [HtmlMemory] - Obtains the browser (CHtmlView) the cen
  • [tabtoolbardemo_src] - Because my application required the use
  • [FolderBrowse] - increase Browse to a folder.
  • [mu_explorer] - more than one tab of the browser source
  • [dongtaishengchengHTML] - This procedure uses a sample of how to C
  • [CHtmlView] - VC6中??用CHtmlView在 ??话 ???刂浦邢允 ?HTML文 ?
  • [SMB] - MFC wrote the basic ie--- mfcie function
  • [vwindlg] - An increase in the dialog box CHtmlView
  • [tooltip] - Based on MFC, so far the best in the mos
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