Description: VHDL-based digital frequency meter With the rapid development of electronic technology, FPGA/CPLD appear in its high-speed, high reliability, series parallel mode of outstanding merit widely used in the electronic design, and EDA design represents the future direction. In this paper, based on the principle of equal precision frequency meter measuring frequency is a typical application. Through the FPGA using VHDL hardware description programming language, in addition to the plastic part of the measured signal, key input part and the digital display part, the rest all in one FPGA chip implementation, such as 8-bit digital precision frequency meter. Using Quartusll integrated development environment for editing, synthesis, wave simulation, and download to the FPGA, by the actual circuit testing. And other precision frequency meter has high availability and reliability, high precision, and accuracy varies with frequency. System frequency measurement range of up to 0-25MHz, the frequency m
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