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Title: P2_KalmanFilter_Example Download
 Description: Calman filter (Kalman filtering) uses the state equation of linear system and optimally estimates the state of the system by input and output observation data. Because the observation data includes the influence of noise and interference in the system, the optimal estimation can also be considered as a filtering process. Stanley Schmidt (Stanley Schmidt) realized the Calman filter for the first time. When Calman visited the NASA Ames Research Center, he found that his method was very useful for solving Apollo plan's orbit prediction. Later, Apollo's navigation computer used this filter. Papers on this filter are published by Swerling (1958), Kalman (1960) and Kalman and Bucy (1961) Calman filter, a very good program
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P2_KalmanFilter_Example.m 2740 2017-06-29

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