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Title: neural networks Download
 Description: 1.Detection of input waveform by elman neural network 2. design a Hopfield network with 3 neurons 3. establish adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to approximate nonlinear functions (sine plus lag). 4. establish adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to approximate nonlinear functions (sine polynomials). 5. fuzzy C means clustering method is used to divide a class of randomly given 3D data into three categories.
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neural networks\ex1.m 440 2013-11-17
neural networks\ex2.m 791 2013-11-17
neural networks\ex3.m 323 2013-11-17
neural networks\ex4.m 1405 2013-11-17
neural networks\ex5.m 650 2013-11-17
neural networks 0 2018-05-03

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