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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Title: Lee滤波 Download
 Description: Image filtering, the Lee filtering algorithm of SAR image is realized, and two other algorithms of the same level are attached
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 玛丽小国]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Lee滤波\Lee_Filter\Lee_Filter.mht 2844 2006-08-11
Lee滤波\sar\sar\frost.m 969 2006-11-14
Lee滤波\sar\sar\lee.m 2234 2006-11-14
Lee滤波\sar\sar\kuan.m 2085 2006-11-14
Lee滤波\sar\www.pudn.com.txt 218 2007-06-04
Lee滤波\sar\sar 0 2007-03-01
Lee滤波\Lee_Filter 0 2008-12-08
Lee滤波\sar 0 2008-12-08
Lee滤波 0 2008-12-08

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