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可预置的8位计数器程序的主要部分分析 #include <AT89X51.H> //器件配置文件 #define uchar unsigned char //变量类型的宏定义 #define uint unsigned int uchar code SEG7[10]={0x03,0x9f,0x25,0x0d,0x99, //0~9的数码管段码 0x49,0x41,0x1f,0x01,0x09} uchar data cnt[8] //在data区定义8位长度的数组,用来存放计数值 uchar data pre_cnt[8] //在data区定义8位长度的数组,用来存放预置值 sbit drv=P3^4 //定义输出驱动端 bit set_flag //定义工作标志 bit out_flag //定义输出标志 bit keydown_flag //键按下标志 -can preset counter the eight major part of the process analysis # include
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.54kb Publisher : wyq

Update : 2011-03-08 Size : 1.4kb Publisher : txb0808

说 明:主要用ADO控件,其中library.mdb 为数据库文件,config.ini为初始化配置文件, 为保证程序正常运行请保持文件的完整和路径。 由于时间关系,代码没有做太多的优化,也没 有做太详细的测试,哪位朋友有可改进或者批 评指正的意见请和我联系,不胜感激。-Note : main ADO, which library.mdb for database files, config.ini configuration files for initialization, in order to guarantee the normal operation procedures requested maintain the integrity of the document and the road. Because of the time, the code is not optimized to do too much, not doing too detailed testing, which could be improved with a friend or criticize the correct advice please contact me and be grateful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 177kb Publisher : wj

可预置的8位计数器程序的主要部分分析 #include <AT89X51.H> //器件配置文件 #define uchar unsigned char //变量类型的宏定义 #define uint unsigned int uchar code SEG7[10]={0x03,0x9f,0x25,0x0d,0x99, //0~9的数码管段码 0x49,0x41,0x1f,0x01,0x09} uchar data cnt[8] //在data区定义8位长度的数组,用来存放计数值 uchar data pre_cnt[8] //在data区定义8位长度的数组,用来存放预置值 sbit drv=P3^4 //定义输出驱动端 bit set_flag //定义工作标志 bit out_flag //定义输出标志 bit keydown_flag //键按下标志 -can preset counter the eight major part of the process analysis# include
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : wyq

这是一个位图操作源码,请大家享用,下载后,请自行配置-This is a source bitmap operations, please access, download, please configuration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 78kb Publisher : gjh

实现开漏输出的并口,支持3.3V或5V,支持FPGA 的PS 配置功能。8位配置数据 自动移位输出,输入时钟24MHz,产生1MHz配置时钟。8位CPU数据总线接口, 11位地址总线。支持IO 的置位清除功能。-The realization of open-drain output of the parallel port, support 3.3V or 5V, support for FPGA configuration of the PS function. 8-bit configuration data automatically shift output, input clock 24MHz, resulting 1MHz clock configuration. 8-bit CPU data bus interface, address bus 11. IO-bit support for the home clearance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : tianrongcai

DL : 0
ds1302读写程序,摘录自量产的定时加湿器源程序,只需改动接收位配置,即可用于其它项目,无需调试。-ds1302 read/write programme.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : dulianling

本源码为STM32的UART使用例程,主要测试UART1的功能。开发环境realviewMDK 程序运行前先打开串口调试软件,UART被配置为: 波特率:9600bps 字长 :8位 校验位:无 停止位:1位 程序正常运行,调试软件的数据接收区将显示ASCII码字符表中的‘0’到‘z’范围内的字符;同时开发板上的小灯LD3~LD6将会顺序点亮,然后顺序熄灭。-The source code for the STM32' s UART to use routines, the main test UART1 function. Open the serial port before running debugging software, UART is configured as follows: Baud Rate: 9600bps Word Length: 8 bits Parity: None Stop bit: 1-bit programs running, debugging software, data reception area will display characters in ASCII code table The ' 0 ' to' z ' within the scope of the characters while developing on-board a small light LD3 ~ LD6 will be the order of light, and then the order off.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 149kb Publisher : huangshengqun

DL : 0
AVR熔丝位配置详解,非常非常详细,学习avr单片机,特别是学习atmegal128非常非常实用。-fuse of AVR MCU details and application.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 141kb Publisher : teddy

AVR单片机熔丝位配置指南, 这个对于初学者来说是个很好的帮助。希望得给以你帮助-AVR fuses bit configuration guide, this for starters are a great help. Want to have to give to your help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.21mb Publisher : 赵健

AVR单片机常用熔丝位配置 -AVR microcontroller AVR microcontroller used fuse bit configuration commonly used fuse bit configuration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 259kb Publisher : johnsonxjq

DL : 0
相当好用的AVR资料,很多原创资料,并通过了硬件测试,包括软硬件设计和重要的熔丝位配置,做AVR的新手入门资料,欢迎下载-Very easy to use AVR information, including hardware and software design and fuse bit configuration, do the AVR Getting Started information, welcome to download
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1008kb Publisher : lichen

DL : 0
dsPIC33F代码,具有完整的配置位配置,振荡器配置,10位ADC配置,六路PWM配置,以及详细的注解,只要稍作修改即可移植入dsPIC33F系列单片机代码-dsPIC33F code, with a complete configuration-bit configuration, the oscillator configuration, the 10-bit ADC configuration, the six-channel PWM configuration, as well as detailed comments, minor modifications can be transplanted into the dsPIC33F family of microcontroller code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 黄燕文

AVR单片机ATmega16熔丝位的详细配置方法,适合AVR新手或对AVR单片机熔丝位配置不熟悉的人了解-AVR series Microcomputer ATmega16 Fuse configuration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 199kb Publisher : mjm

DL : 0
GPIO功能描述每个GPI/O 端口有两个32 位配置寄存器(GPIOx_CRL,GPIOx_CRH),两个32位数据寄存器(GPIOx_IDR,GPIOx_ODR),一个32 位置位/复位寄存器(GPIOx_BSRR),一个16 位复位寄存器(GPIOx_BRR)和一个32 位锁定寄存器(GPIOx_LCKR)。-GPIO function description of each GPI/O port has two 32-bit configuration register (GPIOx_CRL, GPIOx_CRH), two 32-bit data register (GPIOx_IDR, GPIOx_ODR), a 32-bit set/reset register (GPIOx_BSRR), a 16 Reset Register (GPIOx_BRR) and a 32 Lock Register (GPIOx_LCKR).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 332kb Publisher : 木易之二

33FJ128MC510A的熔丝位配置代码,经过加密。下载端口为PCG2-33FJ128MC510A fuse configuration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 侠盗高戈

VS2010 CUDA 5.5 Win7 64位配置以及项目创建配置-VS2010 CUDA 5.5 Win7 64bit system deploy and new project deploy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 881kb Publisher : molly

基本设置包括:主板类型,温度传感器类型,轴设置,限位开关配置。(3D printer program notes)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28kb Publisher : QIANXUNLT

串口接收模块,可以通过parameter,参数化配置传输速率、传输位宽和校验。采用Verilog语音编程实现。使用者根据串口的要求配置好参数,并根据缓冲的大小配置FIFO就可以使用。对帧错误(停止位不为高),检验错误和读FIFO超时(FIFO满的情况下,有新的数据到)等现象进行了检查。(UART serial receiver module, through parameter, configuration parameters of the transmission rate, Data width and parity. Using Verilog. The user configured the parameters according to the serial port and configured FIFO according to the size of the buffer. The frame error (stop bit is not high), check errors, and read FIFO timeout (when FIFO is full,and new data come) and so on are examined.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 老工程师

单目 双标志点 测位姿变化 单个摄像头测试 用于opencv配置的vs(Monocular double mark point measurement of pose change)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.27mb Publisher : 张林杰
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