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Description: 相位差测量labview文件特别推荐感兴趣的过来看一下啦
Platform: | Size: 17463 | Author: 何绪飞 | Hits:

[Other resourceruanjiansheji

Description: 本简易网络导纳分析仪以C8051F020为控制和数据处理核心,由正弦信号发生器模块、滤波和功率放大模块、I/V变换模块、导纳角测量模块、导纳模测量模块、键盘模块以及液晶显示模块组成。采用数字控制DDS芯片AD9851产生100Hz-10KHz正弦信号,经滤波和功率放大后驱动网络负载。从网络负载中提取被测量信号,输入到以真有效值转换集成芯片AD637为核心的电压和电流测量电路构成的导纳模测量模块中进行导纳模测量。导纳角测量模块是从导纳模测量模块中取电压和电流信号分别经过零比较后使用鉴相器对信号相位差测量。把上述的测量结果经单片机处理后用液晶显示。为了提高测量精度,将各部分电路的误差合理分配,使电路达到最佳测量效果。
Platform: | Size: 118313 | Author: 郭峰 | Hits:

[Other resourceinstrument

Description: 以单片机为控制核心 ,用可编程逻辑控制芯片 CPLD ,产生双32位的计数器和相位差检测器 ,进行等精度的 频率、相位差测量. 计数器的计数时间宽度和显示方式由键盘设定. 单片机读入计数值 ,进行浮点运算 ,测量结 果显示于液晶屏上
Platform: | Size: 90691 | Author: 陈小明 | Hits:

[Other resource2006dsp

Description: 相位差测量算法,通过matlab7.0求得两信号波的相位差
Platform: | Size: 12480 | Author: 赵龙 | Hits:

[Other resourcemain

Description: 单片机中用于相位差测量仪的c程序,开发环境是Iar。主要运用于430 单片机
Platform: | Size: 3354 | Author: 华子 | Hits:


Description: 相位是周期信号的一种重要的波形参数. 利用 MCS - 51 单片机与外部电路相结合 ,充分 利用其片内资源 ,采用过零鉴相法 ,高频脉冲填充计数 ,多周期等精度测量方法 ,实现了相位差的高精度 测量. 着重介绍了系统原理及硬软件实现方法
Platform: | Size: 166837 | Author: 568251076@QQ.com | Hits:


Description: 采用12位MAX 197对外部信号采样。采用全周波傅立叶积分算法,对采样信号进行处理,对电力系统的电压有效值、功率等特征量进行实时在线监测;采用全数字测量法测量相位差;并采用自适应技术调整采样间隔,消除非同步采样对计算造成的误差,利用PIC18F458捕获功能实时监测电力系统频率波动,修订采样间隔。分析了各量的测量误差,均达到标准。并提供友好的人机交互界面。-used 12 MAX 197 pairs external signal sampling. Using Fourier-Cycle Integration Algorithm for the sampling signal processing, power systems to the RMS voltage, power characteristics of the volume in real-time on-line monitoring; All digital measuring method phase difference; Adaptive technology and the sampling interval, the elimination of non-synchronous sampling of the calculation error using PIC18F458 capture real-time monitoring of power system frequency fluctuations amended sampling interval. The analysis of the measurement error are up to standard. And to provide a friendly man-machine interface.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 金永州 | Hits:

[source in ebook1

Description: 相位差测量labview文件特别推荐感兴趣的过来看一下啦-Phase Difference Measurement Featured LabVIEW file of interest to look around you
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 何绪飞 | Hits:


Description: 本简易网络导纳分析仪以C8051F020为控制和数据处理核心,由正弦信号发生器模块、滤波和功率放大模块、I/V变换模块、导纳角测量模块、导纳模测量模块、键盘模块以及液晶显示模块组成。采用数字控制DDS芯片AD9851产生100Hz-10KHz正弦信号,经滤波和功率放大后驱动网络负载。从网络负载中提取被测量信号,输入到以真有效值转换集成芯片AD637为核心的电压和电流测量电路构成的导纳模测量模块中进行导纳模测量。导纳角测量模块是从导纳模测量模块中取电压和电流信号分别经过零比较后使用鉴相器对信号相位差测量。把上述的测量结果经单片机处理后用液晶显示。为了提高测量精度,将各部分电路的误差合理分配,使电路达到最佳测量效果。
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: 郭峰 | Hits:


Description: 以单片机为控制核心 ,用可编程逻辑控制芯片 CPLD ,产生双32位的计数器和相位差检测器 ,进行等精度的 频率、相位差测量. 计数器的计数时间宽度和显示方式由键盘设定. 单片机读入计数值 ,进行浮点运算 ,测量结 果显示于液晶屏上-err
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: 陈小明 | Hits:


Description: 用matlab进行信号的仿真实验,测量滤波后的混合信号的幅度和相位差。-Signal using matlab simulation, measurement of mixed-signal after filtering of the amplitude and phase difference.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 欧欧 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringphase

Description: 设计了一基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的低频数字式相位测量仪。该测量仪包括数字式移相信号发生器和相位测量仪两部分,分别完成移相信号的发生及其频率、相位差的预置及数字显示、发生信号的移相以及移相后信号相位差和频率的测量与显示几个功能。其中数字式移相信号发生器可以产生预置频率的正弦信号,也可产生预置相位差的两路同频正弦信号,并能显示预置频率或相位差值;相位测量仪能测量移相信号的频率、相位差的测量和显示。两个部分均采用基于FPGA的数字技术实现,使得该系统具有抗干扰能力强, 可靠性好等优点。
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: 郑淑琴 | Hits:


Description: 单片机中用于相位差测量仪的c程序,开发环境是Iar。主要运用于430 单片机-Single-chip in for the c phase difference measurement procedures, the development environment is Iar. The main application of 430 single-chip microcomputer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 华子 | Hits:


Description: 是一些 数字相关法的论文 1.FFT法与数字相关法在相位测量上的比较.pdf 2.采用数字相关法测量相位差.pdf 3.基于FFT谱分析算法的高精度相位差测量方法.pdf 4.基于Hilbert变换的相位测量法与数字相关测相法的比较.pdf 5.基于虚拟仪器技术和互相关原理的相位测量仪.pdf 6.数字化相位差测量算法的研究.pdf 7.相位差的数字化测量研究.pdf 8.虚拟仪器测量周期信号相位的仿真设计.pdf-Are some figures related to law 1.FFT law and the number of papers related to phase measurement in comparison. Pdf2. Using digital correlation method phase. Pdf3. Algorithm based on FFT spectral analysis phase of high-precision measurement method. Pdf4. Based on Hilbert transform phase measurement method and the number of relevant comparison test phase. pdf5. Based on Virtual Instrument Technology and inter-related principles of the phase measurement. pdf6. digitized phase measurement algorithm. pdf7. phase of digital measurement. pdf8 . virtual instrument measurement of periodic signal design phase of the simulation. pdf
Platform: | Size: 2929664 | Author: 杨志杰 | Hits:


Description: 低频数字式相位测试仪,本设计给出了以凌阳16位单片机Spce061A为核心的数字式相位测量的基本原理与实现方案。该系统由相位测量仪、数字式移相信号发生器和移相网络三个模块构成,分别由两块单片机独立地实现控制与显示功能。采用DDS技术生成两路正弦波信号,并通过改变存储器中数据读取的起始地址来实现数字移相的功能,用Ф-T变换技术来实现相位差的测量,使得测量分辨率精确到0.1º ,测得的频率与相位差值送入LCD进行显示,加入红外键盘以及语音播报的功能,使得系统具有智能化、人性化的特色。-Low-frequency digital phase tester, the design is given to SPCE061A Sunplus 16-bit single-chip microcomputer as the core of digital phase measurement and realization of the basic principles of the program. The system consists of phase-measuring instrument, digital shift believe that its generator and phase-shifting network of three modules, respectively, by two independent single-chip control and display functions. Using DDS technology to generate two sinusoidal signals, and by changing the data memory read start address to the realization of digital phase-shift function, with Ф-T transform technique to achieve the phase difference measurement, making accurate measurement resolution to 0.1 º , the measured frequency and phase difference value into the LCD display by adding infrared keyboard and voice broadcast function, the system has intelligent, user-friendly features.
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: shiyan | Hits:


Description: 无正负的带显示的周期信号相位差测量实现的程序代码-Unsigned band show the periodic signal code phase measurement achieve
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 黄茂琴 | Hits:

[Other Embeded program相位差

Description: 用硬件实现两路方波的整合,整合出一路方波,最后程序用输入捕获功能测量相位差,从而得出功率因数(Hardware to achieve two-way square wave integration, integration of a square wave, and the final program with input acquisition function to measure phase difference, thereby obtaining power factor)
Platform: | Size: 2944000 | Author: 姗姗0323 | Hits:


Description: 提出以相位差变化率为观测量 , UKF 逐步逼近目标位置的定位算法 , 有效解决了单站无源定位中收敛 速度和定位精度问题 。 该算法以相位差变化率为观测量 , 消除了由于相位差中存在固定偏差对定位精度影响 , 提高 了定位精度 。 而引进的 UKF 滤波算法则省去对观测方程的雅各比矩阵计算 , 简化滤波了运算 , 使定位过程更容易实 现 , 从而提高定位滤波运算速度 。(We propose a localization Algorithm which uses phase difference change rate as observation quantity in this paper. UKF filtering is utilized to approach the position of target step by step. The problem of convergence speed and localization precision is solved efficiently. The method eliminates the effect of fixed bias in phase difference to localization precision. UKF filtering method used here eliminates Jacobian matrix calculation for measurement equation , simplifying filtering operation. The localization process is implemented easily by using this method , thereby the operation speed of localization filtering is increased.)
Platform: | Size: 473088 | Author: 程序员小赵 | Hits:


Description: 测量相位差,能测量四个信号通道之间,两两信号通道之间的相位差。(Measurement of phase difference)
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: EMCly | Hits:


Description: 基于labview的互相关法测量相位差计的设计,软件压缩包,可自行下载调试(LabVIEW correlation design method based on phase difference measurement)
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 李月123 | Hits:
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