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Description: 打包上传 可以将文件打包成zip文件,然后上传到服务器,然后解压缩-bundles of documents can be uploaded into bundles zip file, and then uploaded to the server and then decompress
Platform: | Size: 3126 | Author: yuyu | Hits:


Description: 、 先在microchip网站上找到00738.zip,这个包中有 can18xx8.h,can18xx8.c,将其复制到一个你要编写程度的子目录中,例如C:\testcan下,这个时候这个东东是不能直接用的。 2、 下载一个MPLAB 7.10,直接安装(要求直接下载) 3、 再下载一个PICC18 (HI-TECH的),要正版哦(支持正版,买不起的想其它办法吧) 4、在你的头文件上写上如下的样式: #include "stdio.h" #include "can18xx8.h" #include "pic18fxx8.h"//可能是“pic.h”不太好包含,因此常会报错,直接包含克服之 5、然后设置好PICC和MPLAB,如果MPLAB上没有PICC18,则到PICC的网上下一个安装软件,可以直接运行安装就有了。 6、按照工程的基本要求把你的源代码、添加上两个库(不加也可以) 然后就可以写如下代码了:下面是一个完整版,可以直接使用microchip的库函数,本程序只是仿真调试过,未在多个芯片通信过,仍在制作中。 #include "stdio.h" #include "can18xx8.h" #include "pic18fxx8.h" unsigned long NewMessage; BYTE NewMessageData[8]; BYTE MessageData[8]; BYTE NewMessageLen; enum CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS NewMessageFlags=1; BYTE RxFilterMatch; void main() { //int a; //int b; CANInitialize(1, 5, 7, 6, 2, CAN_CONFIG_VALID_XTD_MSG); while(1) { // Application specific logic here // Check for CAN message if ( CANIsRxReady() ) { CANReceiveMessage(&NewMessage,NewMessageData,&NewMessageLen,&NewMessageFlags); if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_OVERFLOW ) { // Rx overflow occurred; handle it } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_INVALID_MSG ) { // Invalid message received; handle it } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_XTD_FRAME ) { // Extended Identifier received; handle it } else { // Standard Identifier received. } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_RTR_FRAME ) { // RTR frame received } else { // Regular frame received. } // Extract receiver filter match, if it is to be used RxFilterMatch = NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_FILTER_BITS; } // Process received message // Transmit a message due to previously received message or // due to application logic itself. if ( CANIsTxReady() ) { MessageData[0] = 0x01; CANSendMessage( 0x02,MessageData,1,CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 &CAN_TX_STD_FRAME & CAN_TX_NO_RTR_FRAME); } // Other application specific logic } // Do this forever // End of program } 以上均是参考文档并进行了修正,由于中间总是报错,为了大家让CAN更容易,谢谢大家!
Platform: | Size: 10682 | Author: lovelzs2008@126.com | Hits:

[Windows Developrtree

Description: R-tree用于索引多维数据对象,利用数据对象间的相对位置建立最小边界矩形(MBR),可在此结构上完成高效查询算法如kNN与范围查询-R-tree Index for multi-dimensional data objects, using data objects between the relative position of the establishment of the minimum boundary rectangle (MBR), this structure can be completed efficiently search algorithms such as kNN and scope of inquiry
Platform: | Size: 1841152 | Author: juicewall | Hits:


Description: 你电影广告RTR 泰国人好大方好古典风格-Your movie ad RTR good generous good classical Thai style
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 赵云 | Hits:

[Picture Viewerrtr

Description: 有趣的窗体实时水波倒影特效示例,应用在自己的窗体效果不错,就不知道为什么用开关控制时,启动,停用,启动出错-Interestingly, real-time wave reflection effects sample form, application form in its own good results, do not know why the use of switch control, start, stop, start error
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: d | Hits:


Description: CAN初始化程序 can在当今社会多的应用面越来越广,本文是can初始化的程序-Canbus_Sja1000.C void ins_CANbus1(void)unsigned char CAN_send(unsigned char RTR,unsigned int id,unsigned char* dp) unsigned char i,rd,m,n,k
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xionglongfei | Hits:

[File Formatdfd-B

Description: 关于汽车维修方面的试卷,有助于汽车维修人员考核使用,希望能够帮助大家-dfd dfgg rtr gfhtr rtr gfg fgd gf fg
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: malulu | Hits:


Description: 60秒的切换时间,是一个非常简单的东西,很容易理解,基于51单片机做的。-60 seconds of time, is a very simple thing, it is easy to understand, based on 51 single-chip microcomputer to do
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 李杰蔚 | Hits:


Description: 2实验二:利用按键点亮一个LED灯即可-The 2experiment two: use the keys to light a LED lamp
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: 钟安 | Hits:


Description: PIC18F4580 CAN网EMode RTR-PIC18F4580 CAN net EMode RTR
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: zhaoxinghua | Hits:


Description: 对文本文件中内容进行加密解密。 加密解密函数采用的是简单的ASCII码的值移位算法。-The contents of a text file encryption and decryption. Encryption and decryption functions using simple ASCII code value shift algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: sum | Hits:


Description: This example shows how to configure the CAN1 and CAN2 peripherals to send and receive CAN frames in normal mode. The sent frames are used to control Leds by pressing KEY or TAMPER push buttons: - When KEY button is pressed, LED1 is turned ON and CAN1 sends a message to CAN2, when CAN2 receives correctly this message LED4 is turned ON. - When TAMPER button is pressed, LED2 is turned ON and CAN2 sends a message to CAN1, when CAN1 receives correctly this message LED3 is turned ON. The CAN1 and CAN2 are configured as follow: - Bit Rate = 1 Mbit/s - CAN Clock = external clock (HSE) - ID Filter = All identifiers are allowed - RTR = Data - DLC = 1 byte - Data: Led number that should be turned ON-This example shows how to configure the CAN1 and CAN2 peripherals to send and receive CAN frames in normal mode. The sent frames are used to control Leds by pressing KEY or TAMPER push buttons: - When KEY button is pressed, LED1 is turned ON and CAN1 sends a message to CAN2, when CAN2 receives correctly this message LED4 is turned ON. - When TAMPER button is pressed, LED2 is turned ON and CAN2 sends a message to CAN1, when CAN1 receives correctly this message LED3 is turned ON. The CAN1 and CAN2 are configured as follow: - Bit Rate = 1 Mbit/s - CAN Clock = external clock (HSE) - ID Filter = All identifiers are allowed - RTR = Data - DLC = 1 byte - Data: Led number that should be turned ON
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: rong | Hits:


Description: asa r rtr tr rtrtewet-asa r rtr tr tr rtrtewet
Platform: | Size: 2628608 | Author: morteza | Hits:


Description: Memorytest for Rtr-Memorytest for Rtree
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: Jafat | Hits:

[Industry research07304388

Description: We present a novel beamforming technique for multi-user indoor wireless communications called regularized time-reversal (RTR). A comparison with other time-reversal techniques is provided with respect to bit error rate and spatial focusing performance in mm-wave massive MIMO systems. We verify that the proposed technique can be used for space-division multiple access in such scenarios.
Platform: | Size: 397312 | Author: hadjidw | Hits:

[Windows Developrtr

Description: MsgBox的使用方法,rar,姐呀打开,使用VB编程,有一定的使用价值,(MsgBox usage of rar, elder sister open ah, VB programming, has certain use value,)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: KT+656874 | Hits:

[Other27-Sep-2017 - ErrorLog

Description: Here is some shit to get away
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Benten | Hits:


Description: MT47H256M4 内存芯片手册 对cpu连接内存时序要求理解 ddramc_config->t1pr = (AT91C_DDRC2_TXP_(2) /* 2 clock cycles */ | AT91C_DDRC2_TXSRD_(200) /* 200 clock cycles */ | AT91C_DDRC2_TXSNR_(27) /* 19 * 7.5 = 142.5 ns*/ | AT91C_DDRC2_TRFC_(26)); /* 18 * 7.5 = 135 ns */(ddramc_config->rtr = 0x411; /* Refresh timer: 7.8125us */ ddramc_config->t1pr = (AT91C_DDRC2_TXP_(2) /* 2 clock cycles */ | AT91C_DDRC2_TXSRD_(200) /* 200 clock cycles */ | AT91C_DDRC2_TXSNR_(27) /* 19 * 7.5 = 142.5 ns*/ | AT91C_DDRC2_TRFC_(26)); /* 18 * 7.5 = 135 ns */)
Platform: | Size: 3486720 | Author: linsheng_111 | Hits:


Description: openlayers 3 说明操作演示以及代码案例演示,方便入门学习(Openlayers 3 illustrates operation demo and code case demonstration, easy to learn)
Platform: | Size: 1935360 | Author: 2008longger | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net