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VB算法大全VB算 法大全 VB算 法大全-VB VB count algorithm Solutions Act One algorithm VB Series VB VB Series algorithm algorithm Solutions
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : wl

对进程调度与作业调度的模拟,进程调度算法:采用的是最高优先数优先的高度算法(即把处理机分配给优先数最高的进程和先来先服务算法。分区分配和回收算法:采用首次适应算法和最佳适应算法实现动态分区。其中,空闲分区通过空闲分区链来管理,在进行内存分配时,系统优先使用空闲区低端的空间。-process of scheduling and job scheduling simulation and process scheduling algorithm : the highest priority is the high number of priority algorithm (that is, processors allocated to the highest priority to the process and the first-come first-serve count France. through distribution and recovery algorithm : the first and best adaptation algorithm to adapt to dynamic partitioning algorithm. Among them, through idle through to idle through chain management, carrying out memory allocation, the system priority in the use of low-end leisure area of space.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 75kb Publisher : 陈任全

用于实现sin,cos三角函数计数的VHDL程序代码-towards sin, cos trigonometry count VHDL code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王森

% 该Matlab程序基于牛顿-拉夫逊算法,用于计算已知导纳矩阵、PQ节点、PV节点、平衡节点(UA)的电力网络潮流 % U - 各节点母线电压 S - 各节点注入功率 S_net - 电力网络总损耗 % PQ_P - 实算PQ节点注入有功功率 PQ_Q - 实算PQ节点注入无功功率 % delt_PQ_P - 实算PQ节点有功功率修正值 delt_PQ_Q -实算PQ节点无功功率修正值 % delt_UA_P - 实平衡节点有功功率修正值 delt_U_2 - 实平衡节点电压平方修正值 % delt_PQV - 实算P Q U^2修正值 J - 雅可比矩阵 % e - 电压实部 f - 电压虚部 delt_ef - 电压实部与虚部修正值- The Matlab program based on the Newton- Raphson algorithm is used to calculate the admittance matrix is known, PQ node, PV node, the node balance (UA) the trend of the electricity networks U- the node bus voltage S- each node injection power S_net-- The total loss of electric power networks PQ_P- operator PQ is injected into active nodes PQ_Q- operator PQ is injected reactive power node delt_PQ_P- is considered the correct value of active power PQ node delt_PQ_Q- really count PQ node reactive power to amend the value of delt_UA_P- real active power balance of the correct value of the node delt_U_2- node voltage balance is the correct value of the square of delt_PQV- really count PQU ^ 2 the correct value of J- Jacobian matrix e- voltage real part f- the imaginary part of voltage delt_ef- voltage real part and imaginary part of the amendment value
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : mmcc

VB算法大全VB算 法大全 VB算 法大全-VB VB count algorithm Solutions Act One algorithm VB Series VB VB Series algorithm algorithm Solutions
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : wl

DL : 0
另一种有效的Kruscal算法,可以算20个点的情形-another effective Kruscal algorithm, can count 20 points of the case
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘豪

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介绍几种典型算法,包括PDI算法,达林算法等,对编程有很大帮助-Introduction of several typical algorithms, including the PDI algorithm, Dahlin algorithm and so on, have a lot of programming help
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 562kb Publisher : 徐冬

关联规则并行算法Count Distribution的C与MPI实现-Parallel Algorithm for Association Rules Count Distribution of C and MPI realize
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 322kb Publisher : st_23

对MATLAB7.0中的示例RICE.PNG图象进行米粒自动记数,输出米粒个数.其中包括中值滤波和腐蚀算法.-MATLAB7.0 examples of imagery for a grain of rice RICE.PNG automatic counting, the output number of rice grains. These include median filtering algorithm and corrosion.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : yyf

DL : 0
java的一个计数器的代码...是有关快速算法的-a counter java code ... is the fast algorithm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 张声圳

DL : 0
C#+AE9.2实现GIS基本功能(浏览、编辑、量算长度面积、五种专题图) 浏览、编辑、量算长度面积、专题图,并非采用AE自带的toolbox实现-C#+ AE9.2 to achieve the basic functions of GIS (browse, edit, count the length of the volume of area, five kinds of thematic maps) to browse, edit, count the length of the volume area, thematic maps, not using AE
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 345kb Publisher : 小剑

This algorithm is to count the dark colored pixels in the input image. This can be used in goods sorting like rice, paddy etc... in paddy or rice or other goods or products to sort out the bad or defect one we can use this algorithm. I had done this for my Masters Degree as a small part and now i am releasing for you. rajesh.f, Kanayakumari district, India. contact me:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : rajeshf

本程序可以使用图像处理算法对图片进行处理,对于一个含有各种物体的图片,如米粒,可以计算物体的个数。使用前请配置好opencv环境。希望对大家学习图像处理和opencv有所帮助-This procedure can use the image processing algorithm for processing images for a picture with a variety of objects, such as a grain of rice, can calculate the number of objects. Configured before use opencv environment. We would like to learn opencv image processing and help ...
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 824kb Publisher : baiyang

ns2下dsdv实现代码。DSDV(Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector)协议是先应式路由协议,是由传统的Bellman-Ford 路由协议改进得到的,其特点是利用目的节点序列号解决了DBF算法的路由环路和无穷计数问题。-dsdv the realization of the code under ns2. DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector) protocol is proactive routing protocol, is the traditional Bellman-Ford Routing Protocol has been improving, and its destination node is characterized by the use of the serial number of the DBF algorithm to solve the routing loop and count the issue of infinity.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 17kb Publisher : 开开

给出了一种用于H.264变换尺寸全搜索快匹配算法的运动估计电路的改进结构,并完成了VLSI设计。通过脉动阵列和全流水线的设计,达到最高的数据重用率、最小的I/O引脚和100 的硬件计算效率。-An improved architecture for H.264 full-pel motion estimation using variable block size full-search block-matching algorithm is proposed in this paper. To obtain the highest data reuse efficiency and minimum I/O pin count while achieving 100 hardware efficiency, a systolic array and full pipeline architure is adopted.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 501kb Publisher :

mapreduce算法的phoenix架构实现和一个使用实例,用mapreduce算法对一个输入的文本文件中的单词计数。-mapreduce algorithm phoenix architecture implementation and a use case, use mapreduce algorithm a input text file of the word count.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : Benjamin

算差分盒维数的matlab程序。 让窗口中的每个像素都对分数维作出贡献。首先,计算某一尺度窗口的平均灰度值 ,然后判断每一个像素的灰度 ,若大于灰度平均值 ,则累加其灰度值为 max ,若小于灰度平均值 ,则累加其灰度值为min ,用max 和min代替 在 Sarkar 和 Chaudhuri 算法中的最大值和最小值 ,再通过拟合求出分数维。 -Differential count box dimension matlab program. Let window on the fractal dimension of each pixel to contribute. First, the calculation of an average gray scale of the window, and then determine the gray scale of each pixel, if the intensity is greater than the average, the cumulative value of its gray max, if less than the average gray level, the accumulation of its gray value of min, max and min to use instead of the algorithm in Sarkar and Chaudhuri maximum and minimum, and then by fitting the calculated fractal dimension.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 冯家乐

一系列有趣的数值计算小程序,如水仙花数算法、九宫格算法等-Interesting numerical series of small programs, such as daffodils several algorithms, Jiugongge algorithm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : huasheng

硬件实验报告(程序+流程图)。实验一:汇编语言程序的建立和执行;实验二:字符统计算法的实现;实验三;实验四:存储器读写实验;实验五:直流电机转速测量与控制实验;实验六:8259单级中断控制器实验内容;实验七: 继电器控制-Hardware experimental (program,+ flow chart). Experiment: the assembly language program establishment and implementation Experiment II: Character Count algorithm Experiment 3 Experiment 4: memory reading and writing test Experiment 5: DC motor speed measurement and control experiments experiment: 8259 single-stage interrupt control experimental device content Experiment 7: relay control
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 204kb Publisher : 王春

测绘学中的高斯投影正反算,输入大地坐标相应参数,通过正算可得到高斯平面坐标;或输入中央子午线经度经反算得到大地坐标相应参数。-Gauss projection forward and backward count in geomatics. Input geodetic coordinate parameters,click direction algorithm ,user can get gauss plane coordinate or input Central meridian longitude,clicking back calculation gets geodetic coordinate parameters.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 51kb Publisher : 杨妍
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