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[Other resourcemc8051-VHDL

Description: VHDL实现 8051 CPU核 Oregano Systems 8-bit Microcontroller IP-Core-VHDL 8051 CPU nuclear Oregano Systems 8-bit Mic rocontroller IP-Core
Platform: | Size: 613996 | Author: 陈同 | Hits:


Description: 8051核的vhdl原代码。-8051 core VHDL source code.
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: 艾霞 | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-Verilog8051IP 核源代码(VHDL)

Description: 8051IP 核源代码-8051IP nuclear source code
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 周辉 | Hits:


Description: MC8051 IP CoreOregano Systems 8-bit Microcontroller IP-Core此公司提供的8051 core很容易在FPGA 上用同时也是学习VHDL的一份不错的进阶实例-MC8051 IP CoreOregano Systems 8-bit Microcontroller IP-Core company for the 8051 core very easy to use in FPGA VHDL is also studying a good example of the SSP
Platform: | Size: 557056 | Author: 寇锐 | Hits:


Description: 增强型8051的VHDL源代码,两个周期执行一条指令,仿真工具为Modelsim,开发板为Altera的EP1C20开发板-enhanced 8051 VHDL source code, the implementation of a two-cycle instruction, simulation tools for Modelsim, development board for the Altera EP1C20 development board
Platform: | Size: 2000896 | Author: 柳如飞 | Hits:


Description: 最完整最实用的8051的软核,用VHDL语言编写全部原代码,并有详细的注释介绍,对开发增强型多功能单片机或RSIC单片机内核和单片机SOC应用非常有参考价值-most complete most practical of the 8051 soft-core, with all the preparation VHDL source code, and the Notes for a detailed briefing on the development of an enhanced multi-purpose microcontroller core or RSIC microcontroller and microprocessor applications SOC very valuable reference
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: czy | Hits:


Description: 大名鼎鼎的Synopsys公司出的8051IP Core VHDL语言编写,能被keilC51支持-famous Synopsys Core 8051IP the VHDL language, can be supported keilC51
Platform: | Size: 664576 | Author: 李无志 | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-VerilogOriginal-8051 Vhdl Model

Description: 這是Originl公司出的8051 VHDL source code.-It s a 8051 VHDL source code issued by Original.
Platform: | Size: 225280 | Author: ㄚ福 | Hits:


Description: 这是用VHDL来设计80C51的开发过程和代码! 处女作,大家一定要顶啊!-This is 80C51 VHDL design to the development process and code! The first time, we must Crack!
Platform: | Size: 323584 | Author: 冯海 | Hits:


Description: 一个8051的VHDL代码,可完整编译, 但不保证版图映射成功,可作为设计微处理器的参考-a 8051 VHDL code can be compiled integrity, but it does not guarantee success territory mapping, the microprocessor can be used as a reference design
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: 韩红 | Hits:


Description: 最简单的八位单片机8051的源代码,支持MCS51的汇编语言,可综合,VHDL语言描述,有测试环境-most simple eight SCM 8051 source code, a compilation support MCS51 language, integrated, VHDL description of a test environment
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: 许盛 | Hits:


Description: 一个用VHDL写的8051的内核,很方便集成到FPGA里.-a written VHDL 8051 kernel, is a convenient integrated into the FPGA Lane.
Platform: | Size: 394240 | Author: 武第 | Hits:


Description: 8051微控制器的ip 核的vhdl源代码,其中包含了相应的测试程序.-8051 micro-controller ip nuclear vhdl source code, which contains the corresponding test procedures.
Platform: | Size: 339968 | Author: 大为 | Hits:


Description: 8051硬核源码(VHDL),具有全部VHDL代码、测试环境以及说明文档、综合脚本等完整的开发、验证环境,源代码通过ASIC投片,并得到不断完善-8,051 hard-core source code (VHDL), with all VHDL code, testing and documentation, environment, Comprehensive integrity of the script, such as development, certification, the source code for ASIC through films, and has been continually improved
Platform: | Size: 530432 | Author: 钟方 | Hits:


Description: 8051的内核(vhdl) This is version 1.1. of the MC8051 IP core. 在FPGA上运行.供有精力的人研究.-8051 kernel (vhdl) This is version 1.1. Of the M C8051 IP core. FPGA operation. have the energy for the study.
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: efly | Hits:


Description: VHDL实现 8051 CPU核 Oregano Systems 8-bit Microcontroller IP-Core-VHDL 8051 CPU nuclear Oregano Systems 8-bit Mic rocontroller IP-Core
Platform: | Size: 614400 | Author: 陈同 | Hits:


Description: 是用VHDL编写的51源代码,对于用FPGA的电子开发单片机人员有很好的参考作用.-VHDL is used to prepare the 51 source code, for the use of single-chip FPGA electronic development staff have a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: changdexiao | Hits:


Description: 电赛一等奖作品:音频信号分析仪的FPGA源码,VHDL编写,Quartus7.1综合,ModelSim6.2g se仿真,应用了opencores.org上的开源FFT IP核,加入了8051总线接口和ram-Xinhua Cup first prize works: audio signal analyzer FPGA source, VHDL prepared, Quartus7.1 integrated, ModelSim6.2g se simulation, application of open source opencores.org on FFT IP core, joined the 8051 bus interface and ram
Platform: | Size: 4933632 | Author: 李星 | Hits:


Description: 再来一个8051的内核(VHDL语言),绝对好用,直接添加到QuartusII 中即可!!大家可以分享一下阿-Then a 8051 core (VHDL language), absolutely easy to use, directly added to the QuartusII it can! ! We can share the Arab-Israeli
Platform: | Size: 461824 | Author: 侯典华 | Hits:


Description: mcu8051 CPU FPGA VHDL software
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 房有定 | Hits:
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