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[Other resourceMyPaint1.0

Description: 设计思路: 对Windows XP自带的画笔程序进行分析,一般User画图过程: 首先鼠标选择绘图工具,然后选择颜色,接着按User需要作图。User对产出的图像进行操作。 对图形元素抽象出公共属性,设计我的画板的作图过程: 选择工具 、画预览效果、User满意并确定、绘制效果。 下面是程序用到主要变量: 当前绘图点粒度:int iGranularity 当前使用颜色:COLORREF curColor 当前绘图状态:int iPaintStatus 当前绘图状态属性:int iPaintProperty 前一个鼠标坐标:CPoint pOldPoint 多边形起点:CPoint pStartPoint 多边形终点:CPoint pEndPoint 当前鼠标坐标:CPoint pCurPoint 输出文本字符串缓存:CString strTextOut 对典型操作过程(画矩形)描述: 用户选择工具_RECTANGLE(使iPaintStatus=_RECTANGLE)、 选择绘图颜色(设定curColor)、 用户按下鼠标左键使绘图状态属性为预览(iPaintProperty=_PREVIEW)、 用户移动鼠标(绘制图形的橡皮线效果) 用户放开左键(绘制图形的实线效果) -design : Windows XP's own brush analysis procedures, the general User drawing process : first choice mouse drawing tool, then select colors, followed by Graphic User needs. User to output images to operate. Right abstract graphic elements from the public properties, design I slate of mapping process : select tools, painting preview effects, User satisfaction and identification, mapping results. Below is a procedure used mainly variables : the current drawing point size : int iGranularity current use of color : COLORREF curColor current graphics state : int iPaintStatus current graphics state attributes : int iPaintProperty before a mouse coordinates : jumping pOldPoint polygon starting point : jumping pStartPoint polygon end : When the redemption pEndPoint before the mouse coordinates
Platform: | Size: 53776 | Author: mars | Hits:


Description: 获取屏幕上像素点的坐标、颜色(RGB及COLORREF值)的小程序。 http://spaces.msn.com/KSwildgoose-access pixels on the screen coordinates of the point, the color (RGB and COLORREF values) of the small program. Http://spaces.msn.com/KSwildgoose
Platform: | Size: 12707 | Author: 水中雁 | Hits:

[Other resource1821

Description: 一个实时曲线类 接口说明: // 设置网格间距 void SetGridResolutionX(int nGridReluX) // 设置网格间距 void SetGridResolutionY(int nGridReluY) // 设置网格滚动速度,正值为从左向右滚动,0不动 void SetGridScrollSpeedX(int nSpeedX) // 正值为从上到下滚动,0不动 void SetGridScrollSpeedY(int nSpeedY) // 网格线宽度 void SetGridLineWidth(int nWidth) // 背景色 void SetGridBackClr(COLORREF clr) // // 锁定数据显示范围 void LockRang(bool bfLock = true) // 锁定数据显示范围 void LockRang(float fMin, float fMax) // 设置数据 void SetData(float fData) // 曲线颜色 void SetLineColor(COLORREF clrLine = RGB ( 0 , 255 , 0 )) void SetLineWidth(int nWidth = 1) -curve of a real-time interface category : / / set up grid spacing void SetGridResolutionX (int nGridR eluX) / / set grid spacing void SetGridResolutionY (int n GridReluY) / / set the rolling speed mesh, when rolling to the left-to-right, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedX (int nSpeedX) / / when rolling from the top down to, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedY (int nSpeedY) / / Grid line width void SetGridLineWidth (int nWidth) / / background Color void SetGridBackClr (COLORREF clr) / / / / lock data display range void LockRang (bool bfLock = true) / / lock significant data said the scope void LockRang (float fMin. float fMax) / / set data void Graph (float fData) / / color curve void SetLineColor (RG = COLORREF clrLine B (0, 255, 0)) void SetLineWidth (int nWidth = 1)
Platform: | Size: 50655 | Author: yu | Hits:

[Special EffectsCColor_src

Description: CColor - RGB and HLS combined in one class The CColor class emerged from the need to manipulate color in the HLS model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The HLS model makes it very easy to draw such things as color gradients between any color. Perhaps Windows 2000 will support the HLS (or the similary HSB) color model, but I do not want to wait until the release. On the other hand my code should also work under NT 4.0 and Win95/98. The CColor class encapsulates the long known type COLORREF and extends it with the HLS color model. A CColor object represents a color, whose RGB and HLS properties can be directly read and manipulated. It makes the use of type COLORREF and the associated macros superfluous. -CColor - RGB and HLS combined in one class Th e CColor class emerged from the need to manipula te in the HLS color model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The H LS model makes it very easy to draw such things as color gradients between any color. Perhaps Win dows 2000 will support the HLS (or the similary H SB) color model, but I do not want to wait until the release. On the other hand my code should also work under a NT 4.0 nd Win95/98. The class encapsulates the CColor long known type COLORREF and extends it with the HLS color model. A CColor object represents a co lor. RGB and HLS whose properties can be directly rea d and manipulated. It makes the use of type COLOR REF and the associated macros superfluous.
Platform: | Size: 7490 | Author: 上官婉儿 | Hits:

[Button controllabel

Description: 一个可以改变static文本框字体、大小、颜色的类 enum FlashType {None, Text, Background } class CLabel : public CStatic { // Construction public: CLabel() CLabel& SetBkColor(COLORREF crBkgnd) CLabel& SetTextColor(COLORREF crText) CLabel& SetText(const CString& strText) CLabel& SetFontBold(BOOL bBold) CLabel& SetFontName(const CString& strFont) CLabel& SetFontUnderline(BOOL bSet) CLabel& SetFontItalic(BOOL bSet) CLabel& SetFontSize(int nSize) CLabel& SetSunken(BOOL bSet) CLabel& SetBorder(BOOL bSet) CLabel& FlashText(BOOL bActivate) CLabel& FlashBackground(BOOL bActivate) CLabel& SetLink(BOOL bLink) CLabel& SetLinkCursor(HCURSOR hCursor) // Attributes public: protected: void ReconstructFont() COLORREF m_crText HBRUSH m_hBrush HBRUSH m_hwndBrush LOGFONT m_lf CFont m_font CString m_strText BOOL m_bState BOOL m_bTimer BOOL m_bLink FlashType m_Type HCURSOR m_hCursor // Operations
Platform: | Size: 2797 | Author: sunrise | Hits:


Description: 实现窗口透明 只需在创建窗口函数中加入 SetWindowLong(this->GetSafeHwnd(),GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(this->GetSafeHwnd(),GWL_EXSTYLE)^0x80000) HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(\"User32.DLL\") if(hInst) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MYFUNC)(HWND,COLORREF,BYTE,DWORD) MYFUNC fun = NULL //取得SetLayeredWindowAttributes函数指针 fun=(MYFUNC)GetProcAddress(hInst, \"SetLayeredWindowAttributes\") if(fun)fun(this->GetSafeHwnd(),0,200,2) FreeLibrary(hInst) }
Platform: | Size: 26349 | Author: zhangwei | Hits:

[Other resourcePickUpINI

Description: EVC 实现GetPrivateProfileString的功能,并且可以转换成CRect、CSize、COLORREF等类型
Platform: | Size: 46151 | Author: liuzhx | Hits:

[GUI Developnewasp200611413439593

Description: int PosFromChar(UINT nChar) // 通过指定的字符获得其x轴的位置 int CharFromPos(int nPosX) // 通过给定的x轴的位置获得相应的字符 void CutString() // 剪切字符串 void PasteString() // 粘贴字符串 void CopyString() // 拷贝字符串 void MakeBKGround(CDC *pDC, COLORREF clrBegin, COLORREF clrEnd, CRect rect) // 生成窗口背景 CString m_strEdit // 当前包含的文本。 CString m_strSelect // 当前选择的文本。 CPoint m_ptCursor // 当前光标的位置。 CPoint m_ptTxtBegin // 文本的起始位置。 CPoint m_ptFirst // 鼠标左键按下时的第一点位置。 CPoint m_ptSecond // 鼠标当前的位置。 int m_nCharPos // 当前光标处于第几个字符的后面,从0开始计数。 int m_nShowChar // 在编辑框中第一个显示的字符,从0开始计数。 int m_nMaxShowChars // 在编辑框中一次最多显示的字符数量 。 int m_nSelectBegin // 选择的字符的起始位置。 int m_nSelectEnd // 选择的字符的终止位置。 CBitmap m_BmpBK // 背景图片。 CFont m_TxtFont // 文本的字体。 TEXTMETRIC m_tm // 文本字体的信息。
Platform: | Size: 37930 | Author: yang | Hits:

[Graph DrawingMyPaint1.0

Description: 设计思路: 对Windows XP自带的画笔程序进行分析,一般User画图过程: 首先鼠标选择绘图工具,然后选择颜色,接着按User需要作图。User对产出的图像进行操作。 对图形元素抽象出公共属性,设计我的画板的作图过程: 选择工具 、画预览效果、User满意并确定、绘制效果。 下面是程序用到主要变量: 当前绘图点粒度:int iGranularity 当前使用颜色:COLORREF curColor 当前绘图状态:int iPaintStatus 当前绘图状态属性:int iPaintProperty 前一个鼠标坐标:CPoint pOldPoint 多边形起点:CPoint pStartPoint 多边形终点:CPoint pEndPoint 当前鼠标坐标:CPoint pCurPoint 输出文本字符串缓存:CString strTextOut 对典型操作过程(画矩形)描述: 用户选择工具_RECTANGLE(使iPaintStatus=_RECTANGLE)、 选择绘图颜色(设定curColor)、 用户按下鼠标左键使绘图状态属性为预览(iPaintProperty=_PREVIEW)、 用户移动鼠标(绘制图形的橡皮线效果) 用户放开左键(绘制图形的实线效果) -design : Windows XP's own brush analysis procedures, the general User drawing process : first choice mouse drawing tool, then select colors, followed by Graphic User needs. User to output images to operate. Right abstract graphic elements from the public properties, design I slate of mapping process : select tools, painting preview effects, User satisfaction and identification, mapping results. Below is a procedure used mainly variables : the current drawing point size : int iGranularity current use of color : COLORREF curColor current graphics state : int iPaintStatus current graphics state attributes : int iPaintProperty before a mouse coordinates : jumping pOldPoint polygon starting point : jumping pStartPoint polygon end : When the redemption pEndPoint before the mouse coordinates
Platform: | Size: 1999872 | Author: mars | Hits:


Description: 获取屏幕上像素点的坐标、颜色(RGB及COLORREF值)的小程序。 http://spaces.msn.com/KSwildgoose-access pixels on the screen coordinates of the point, the color (RGB and COLORREF values) of the small program. Http://spaces.msn.com/KSwildgoose
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 水中雁 | Hits:

[Graph Drawing1821

Description: 一个实时曲线类 接口说明: // 设置网格间距 void SetGridResolutionX(int nGridReluX) // 设置网格间距 void SetGridResolutionY(int nGridReluY) // 设置网格滚动速度,正值为从左向右滚动,0不动 void SetGridScrollSpeedX(int nSpeedX) // 正值为从上到下滚动,0不动 void SetGridScrollSpeedY(int nSpeedY) // 网格线宽度 void SetGridLineWidth(int nWidth) // 背景色 void SetGridBackClr(COLORREF clr) // // 锁定数据显示范围 void LockRang(bool bfLock = true) // 锁定数据显示范围 void LockRang(float fMin, float fMax) // 设置数据 void SetData(float fData) // 曲线颜色 void SetLineColor(COLORREF clrLine = RGB ( 0 , 255 , 0 )) void SetLineWidth(int nWidth = 1) -curve of a real-time interface category :// set up grid spacing void SetGridResolutionX (int nGridR eluX)// set grid spacing void SetGridResolutionY (int n GridReluY)// set the rolling speed mesh, when rolling to the left-to-right, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedX (int nSpeedX)// when rolling from the top down to, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedY (int nSpeedY)// Grid line width void SetGridLineWidth (int nWidth)// background Color void SetGridBackClr (COLORREF clr)//// lock data display range void LockRang (bool bfLock = true)// lock significant data said the scope void LockRang (float fMin. float fMax)// set data void Graph (float fData)// color curve void SetLineColor (RG = COLORREF clrLine B (0, 255, 0)) void SetLineWidth (int nWidth = 1)
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: yu | Hits:

[Special EffectsCColor_src

Description: CColor - RGB and HLS combined in one class The CColor class emerged from the need to manipulate color in the HLS model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The HLS model makes it very easy to draw such things as color gradients between any color. Perhaps Windows 2000 will support the HLS (or the similary HSB) color model, but I do not want to wait until the release. On the other hand my code should also work under NT 4.0 and Win95/98. The CColor class encapsulates the long known type COLORREF and extends it with the HLS color model. A CColor object represents a color, whose RGB and HLS properties can be directly read and manipulated. It makes the use of type COLORREF and the associated macros superfluous. -CColor- RGB and HLS combined in one class Th e CColor class emerged from the need to manipula te in the HLS color model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The H LS model makes it very easy to draw such things as color gradients between any color. Perhaps Win dows 2000 will support the HLS (or the similary H SB) color model, but I do not want to wait until the release. On the other hand my code should also work under a NT 4.0 nd Win95/98. The class encapsulates the CColor long known type COLORREF and extends it with the HLS color model. A CColor object represents a co lor. RGB and HLS whose properties can be directly rea d and manipulated. It makes the use of type COLOR REF and the associated macros superfluous.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 上官婉儿 | Hits:

[Button controllabel

Description: 一个可以改变static文本框字体、大小、颜色的类 enum FlashType {None, Text, Background } class CLabel : public CStatic { // Construction public: CLabel() CLabel& SetBkColor(COLORREF crBkgnd) CLabel& SetTextColor(COLORREF crText) CLabel& SetText(const CString& strText) CLabel& SetFontBold(BOOL bBold) CLabel& SetFontName(const CString& strFont) CLabel& SetFontUnderline(BOOL bSet) CLabel& SetFontItalic(BOOL bSet) CLabel& SetFontSize(int nSize) CLabel& SetSunken(BOOL bSet) CLabel& SetBorder(BOOL bSet) CLabel& FlashText(BOOL bActivate) CLabel& FlashBackground(BOOL bActivate) CLabel& SetLink(BOOL bLink) CLabel& SetLinkCursor(HCURSOR hCursor) // Attributes public: protected: void ReconstructFont() COLORREF m_crText HBRUSH m_hBrush HBRUSH m_hwndBrush LOGFONT m_lf CFont m_font CString m_strText BOOL m_bState BOOL m_bTimer BOOL m_bLink FlashType m_Type HCURSOR m_hCursor // Operations-A static text box can change the font, size, color, class enum FlashType (None, Text, Background) class CLabel: public CStatic (//Constructionpublic: CLabel () CLabel
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sunrise | Hits:


Description: 实现窗口透明 只需在创建窗口函数中加入 SetWindowLong(this->GetSafeHwnd(),GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(this->GetSafeHwnd(),GWL_EXSTYLE)^0x80000) HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary("User32.DLL") if(hInst) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MYFUNC)(HWND,COLORREF,BYTE,DWORD) MYFUNC fun = NULL //取得SetLayeredWindowAttributes函数指针 fun=(MYFUNC)GetProcAddress(hInst, "SetLayeredWindowAttributes") if(fun)fun(this->GetSafeHwnd(),0,200,2) FreeLibrary(hInst) }-Just the realization of a transparent window in the creation of a window function to add SetWindowLong (this-> GetSafeHwnd (), GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong (this-> GetSafeHwnd (), GWL_EXSTYLE) ^ 0x80000) HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary ( User32.DLL ) if (hInst ) (typedef BOOL (WINAPI* MYFUNC) (HWND, COLORREF, BYTE, DWORD) MYFUNC fun = NULL// function pointer SetLayeredWindowAttributes made fun = (MYFUNC) GetProcAddress (hInst, SetLayeredWindowAttributes ) if (fun) fun (this-> GetSafeHwnd (), 0200,2) FreeLibrary (hInst))
Platform: | Size: 1561600 | Author: zhangwei | Hits:

[Windows CEPickUpINI

Description: EVC 实现GetPrivateProfileString的功能,并且可以转换成CRect、CSize、COLORREF等类型-EVC realize GetPrivateProfileString functions, and can be converted into CRect, CSize, COLORREF type
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: liuzhx | Hits:

[GUI Developnewasp200611413439593

Description: int PosFromChar(UINT nChar) // 通过指定的字符获得其x轴的位置 int CharFromPos(int nPosX) // 通过给定的x轴的位置获得相应的字符 void CutString() // 剪切字符串 void PasteString() // 粘贴字符串 void CopyString() // 拷贝字符串 void MakeBKGround(CDC *pDC, COLORREF clrBegin, COLORREF clrEnd, CRect rect) // 生成窗口背景 CString m_strEdit // 当前包含的文本。 CString m_strSelect // 当前选择的文本。 CPoint m_ptCursor // 当前光标的位置。 CPoint m_ptTxtBegin // 文本的起始位置。 CPoint m_ptFirst // 鼠标左键按下时的第一点位置。 CPoint m_ptSecond // 鼠标当前的位置。 int m_nCharPos // 当前光标处于第几个字符的后面,从0开始计数。 int m_nShowChar // 在编辑框中第一个显示的字符,从0开始计数。 int m_nMaxShowChars // 在编辑框中一次最多显示的字符数量 。 int m_nSelectBegin // 选择的字符的起始位置。 int m_nSelectEnd // 选择的字符的终止位置。 CBitmap m_BmpBK // 背景图片。 CFont m_TxtFont // 文本的字体。 TEXTMETRIC m_tm // 文本字体的信息。
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: yang | Hits:

[GUI Developmymeter

Description: 一个实用的仪表控件,用户可以根据需要进行设置或增减功能。 主要函数介绍如下: SetNeedleColor(COLORREF colorNeedle) 设置指针颜色 SetRange(double dMin, double dMax) 设置仪表最大值最小值 SetScaleDecimals(int nDecimals) 设置刻度显示精度(小数点后位数) SetValueDecimals(int nDecimals) 设置数值显示精度(小数点后位数) SetUnits(CString &strUnits) 设置单位 SetColorTick(BOOL bColorTick) 是否显示彩色刻度 SetTicks(int nTicks) 设置主刻度(分几大格) SetSubTicks(int nSubTicks) 设置子刻度(每大格分为几小格) SetAngleRange(int nStartAngleDeg, int nEndAngleDeg) 表盘圆弧起始终止角度-A practical instrument control, the user can set or change functions. The main function as follows: SetNeedleColor (COLORREF colorNeedle) set the target color SetRange (double dMin, double dMax) set the minimum meter maximum SetScaleDecimals (int nDecimals) shows that the accuracy of calibration settings (the median after the decimal point) SetValueDecimals (int nDecimals) set numerical display precision (digits after the decimal point) SetUnits (CString
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 红枫 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLena

Description: 2、 转换为灰度图像。 这个算法是依照彩色图转化为灰度图像的方式: 灰度值 = 0.3*R+0.59*G+0.11*B 用两重循环遍历截取的图片,对于每一个象素点,用MFC的函数取得其COLORREF形式的颜色值,从中分解出R、G、B三种颜色的值,计算出对应的灰度值后,赋给R、G、B即可。完成遍历后刷新图片就可以看到转换后的灰度图像。 -2, converted to grayscale images. This algorithm are in accordance with the color map into a gray image of the way: gray value = 0.3* R+0.59* G+0.11* B with double cycle traversal intercepted picture, for each pixel, using MFC function obtained their forms of COLORREF color value, from decomposition of the R, G, B three color values, calculate the corresponding gray-scale value, assigned to R, G, B can be. After the completion of traversal can be seen on the picture to refresh the converted gray image.
Platform: | Size: 1188864 | Author: 龙胆 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC_programming_RGB_COLORREF_class_example_code

Description: VC programming RGB COLORREF class example code VC编程COLORREF类 RGB实例代码-VC programming RGB COLORREF class example code
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 2 | Hits:


Description: COLORREF颜色与字符串相互转换 COLORREF颜色与字符串相互转换-COLORREF COLORREF color and color of the string conversion to convert the string to convert a string COLORREF color
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: aming | Hits:
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