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fourier descriptor PPT/PDF docs,used for teaching.
Update : 2011-01-08 Size : 777.44kb Publisher : l_heal

在USB中,USB HOST是通过各种描述符来识别设备的,有设备描述符,配置描述符,接口描述符,端点描述符,字符串描述符,报告描述符等等。USB报告描述符(Report Descriptor)是HID设备中的一个描述符,它是比较复杂的一个描述符。
Update : 2012-03-17 Size : 247kb Publisher : hjshhyy

实现基于区域的亮度直方图的某些纹理描绘子:如均值、标准偏差、平滑度、三阶矩、一致性和熵。-based regional brightness histogram certain texture descriptor : If the mean, standard deviation, smooth, Third-order moments, consistency and entropy.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨红菊

Image Descriptions for Browsing and Retrieval-Descriptions for Image Browsing and Retri eval
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : 郭文

在图像处理中 基于形状的描述符 特别是基于轮廓的算法是以识别轮廓为基础的 此代码能够准确,快速地分割图像。-in image processing based on the shape of the descriptor is based on the outline in particular the recognition algorithm is based on the contours of this generation code to be accurate, and fast image segmentation.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 55kb Publisher : xiaoqi

一个基于支持向量机和傅立叶描述子的字符识别算法:傅立叶描述子表征字符的轮廓特征-One based on support vector machine and Fourier descriptors of the character recognition algorithm: Fourier descriptor contour characteristics characterization characters
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : zzflash

usb描述符的文章合集,包含设备描述符、接口描述符、HID描述符等-usb descriptor article collection, including device descriptor, interface descriptor, HID descriptor, such as
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 61kb Publisher : 6p14

关于傅立叶描述子的GUI界面,本程序可计算目标的一种形状描述符——轮廓傅立叶描述子。并可通过傅立叶描述符重构目标轮廓。-On the Fourier descriptors of the GUI interface, this program objectives computable descriptor of a shape- the outline of Fourier descriptors. Via Fourier reconstruction of the target outline descriptor.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 26kb Publisher : xiaoqinkun

基于ADI blackfin 的DMA 描述符方式的程序。便于你理解这种独特的dma搬送方式-Based on the ADI blackfin descriptor mode DMA procedures. To facilitate your understanding of this unique feeding mode dma
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : gujie

mpeg7中主颜色描述符的代码实现,很简单的,开发工具是VS2005-MPEG7 descriptor in the main color of the code, very simple, development tools is VS2005
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 常胜利

Mpeg7中颜色布局描述符的代码实现,很简单的。-MPEG7 in Color Layout descriptor code, very simple.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 常胜利

一个简单的傅立叶带亮度描绘子提取图像的形状特征程序-A simple Fourier descriptor with the brightness of the image shape feature extraction procedures
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 194kb Publisher : 黎维娟

利用matlab编写的m文件,提取图像的高斯描绘子。-M prepared to use matlab files, extract images Gaussian descriptor.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : winter

DCT域中MPEG7主色描述符的提取,该文在MPEG7的基础上提出了DCT域内直接提取主色描述符的新方法.这种方法节省了 对图像的解压缩的过程,因而大大的提高了对于压缩图像进行特征提取的速度和效果.作为整个算法的一部 分,一种自动阂值提取的算法也在该文中给予了描述.这种方法可以减少因人为设定经验闭值而带来的不确 定性,使算法更具鲁棒性.对比检索试验结果也说明本算法是一个高速有效的算法.新算法主要用于压缩图 像库或互联网上的相似检索. -DCT domain MPEG7 Dominant Color descriptor extraction, the article at the basis of MPEG7 proposed DCT domain directly from the main color of the new method descriptor. This method saves the image in the process of decompression, which greatly enhance the compressed image for feature extraction speed and effectiveness. as part of the whole algorithm, an automatic threshold algorithm for extracting the text is also given to the description. This method can reduce the threshold to set the experience brought about by non- uncertainty, so that a more robust algorithm. Comparison Search results also shows that the algorithm is a fast and effective algorithm. The new algorithm used to compress the image database or a similar search on the Internet.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 394kb Publisher : 杨康

DL : 0
状是含有高层语义信息的视觉特征,在基于内容的图像检索及图像识别中具有重要的应用价值。有很多种描述子可以描述图像的形状特征,傅立叶描述子可以把二维的图像轮廓信息简化成一维问题进行处理,应用非常广泛。然而自然图像的形状特征通常是杂乱的,有噪声的,提出了一种图像预处理方法,得到净化的形状图像,通过实验研究傅立叶描述子算法提取形状特征的效果。-Abstract Shape is a visual feature which contains intrinsic high-level semantics, and has a great application value in CBIR(Content-Based Image Retrieval) and IR(Image Recognition). There are many descriptors for shape feature. Fourier descriptor predigests 2-demensional image information to 1-demensional signal and be used widely. In fact, the shape of natural image is often messy and noisy. So, this paper proposes a preprocessing method which can clean the noisy shape image, and then researches and analyses the shape feature extraction with Fourier descriptor method with an experiment. Keywords Shape, Fourier Descriptor, Feature Extraction, CBIR(Content-Based Image R
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 100kb Publisher : 倪晓雷

本实验要求编写课本上11.2.3节描述的傅立叶描绘方法。用实验09-02中的程序提取图12.18两幅图的边界,然后对每个边界选取256个描述点。选择的这256个点是在空间上尽可能均匀的点。获取每个图的傅立叶描绘子,确保每个图中的起始点是近似相同的点。分别用16,32,64和128个描绘系数逼近边界,并画出每一个结果。-Prepared at the request of the experimental section 11.2.3 textbook depicts Fourier method described. 09-02 with the experimental procedures in Figure 2 Extraction of Figure 12.18 the border, and then select the border of each description of 256 points. This choice is the 256 as far as possible in the space of the points evenly. Access to each of the Fourier descriptor map to ensure that each figure is the approximate starting point for the same point. 16,32,64, respectively, and coefficient of close to 128 described the border, and the results of each draw.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 93kb Publisher : jhm

daisy descriptor, dense fast for object recognition
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 189kb Publisher : Olivier Poto

vhdl language descriptor is included
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 789kb Publisher : sandeep

一种基于细节点局部描述子的指纹图像匹配方法A local descriptor based on minutiae matching method for fingerprint image-A local descriptor based on minutiae matching method for fingerprint image
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 270kb Publisher : boyc121

description de forme en utilisant FD coeeficeients Fourier utilisé pour la classification forme. les étapes: 1. trouver les indices de frontières de l image de tranchant (binaire d entrée bordée d image voir le test par exemple) 2. trier les indices de sorte qu ils afin de distance 3. faire des complexes x + jy vecotr 4 Assurez-fft 5 prendre la première FD 6. font IFFT link ( de forme en utilisant FD coeeficeients Fourier utilisé pour la classification forme. les étapes: 1. trouver les indices de frontières de l image de tranchant (binaire d entrée bordée d image voir le test par exemple) 2. trier les indices de sorte qu ils afin de distance 3. faire des complexes x + jy vecotr 4 Assurez-fft 5 prendre la première FD 6. font IFFT link (
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : chekos
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