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[OS programfat16.rar

Description: fat16文件系统存取
Platform: | Size: 43813 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopFAT16-32SourceV101

Description: 与ata结合的fat12 fat16 fat32的文件系统实现,代码完整!-FAT12,FAT16,FAT32 file system with ATA
Platform: | Size: 46713 | Author: 王莉 | Hits:

[Other resourcefat16源码

Description: fat16源代码,有fat16.c和FileSys.c,欢迎大家参考-the source code for fat16, including fat16.c and filesys.c. welcome for your referece.
Platform: | Size: 29875 | Author: kerty | Hits:

[Other resourceFAT16 磁盘格式引导程序(ASM)

Description: FAT16 磁盘格式引导程序.文件是以ASM汇编格式提供的.-FAT16 disk boot format. ASM is a compilation document format available.
Platform: | Size: 4271 | Author: 汪旭 | Hits:

[Other resourcefat16 and fat32 file system

Description: fat16、fat32文件格式的c源程序,内含怎样建立目录、建立文件、删除文件等。-fat16, fat32 file format c source, the list includes how to establish, document, delete files.
Platform: | Size: 58133 | Author: 于鱼 | Hits:

[Other resourceFAT16-32Driver

Description: 基于m128的fat16/32 和ata文件系统 -based on the m128 and ATA Acronis File System
Platform: | Size: 145402 | Author: sinbad | Hits:

[Other resourcefat16-fileread

Description: 功能:基于FAT16的文件读写操作C语言代码 作用:可以用作优盘文件系统开发的参考,是嵌入式开发人员的 好资料-functions : Based on the paper read and write FAT16 operating role C language code : You Pan document can be used as a reference system development, embedded development is the good information
Platform: | Size: 3043 | Author: 邹锦坤 | Hits:

[OS DevelopFAT16-32

Description: 嵌入式系统中的fat32和fat16源代码(完全版)
Platform: | Size: 46149 | Author: 王印 | Hits:

[Other resourceFAT16

Description: 这个里面有FAT16文件系统的源代码和相关的FAT16说明文档,十分全面,对嵌入式工程师搞文件系统的移植很有帮助,可以在从分理解后移植到SD卡或者CF卡上面。
Platform: | Size: 349653 | Author: 木 易 | Hits:

[Other resourceFAT16

Description: use dsp to make FAT16 format disk.interface with FLASH Ic.
Platform: | Size: 66473 | Author: jacky | Hits:

[Other resourcefat16

Description: 基于642的sd卡读写程序,文件系统为fat16,读写函数已经调通,其他模块框架是完整的,但是没有使用
Platform: | Size: 362623 | Author: lshp | Hits:

[OS Developfat16

Description: 完成了一套基于FAT16,并只支持短路径名的函数包。 可用于虚拟磁盘建立。甚至你自己写操作系统,文件系统就可以直接使用他。 由于当初是为朋友在他的板子上跑,只有1K ram,还不能全用,最多只有600-700字节可使用, 所以没有采用缓存的形式,直接采用读写操作。 他可以很轻易的扩充到FAT32(甚至FAT12都可以给予支持),当然还只是支持短路径名。说实在 除了高级应用FAT系列的长文件名真是费事。 这里,我打算将其做成SpaceC的控件之一,用于整合资源文件。
Platform: | Size: 19258 | Author: 李卓吾 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFAT16

Description: 嵌入式FAT16文件系统源码下载1) 兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename specification。 2) 可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3) 文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4) 可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5) 文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6) 所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。-Embedded FAT16 file system source code download 1) compatible with FAT16 file system, long file name, maximum path length 260 bytes, in line with Microsoft Longfilename specification. 2) can be transplanted into a variety of platforms, just to prepare sector-driven drive, for a total of two functions: 1) read_flash_sector () 2) write_flash_sector (). 3) file buffer functions: 1) read documents, read the location of the buffer zone in the document, you can read files directly buffer, do not need to read physical disk file buffer size can be used to compile macro EnableFileBuf, Tot
Platform: | Size: 594944 | Author: xjj | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developfat16

Description: 本代码主要是完成了一套基于FAT16,并只支持短路径名的函数包。-source code about FAT16
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 黄新友 | Hits:


Description: 文件系统功能概论 1)本文件系统兼容FAT16/FAT32文件系统格式,支持长文件名,多级子目录,多盘操作,读写,创建删除文件等等功能。 2)本文件系统采用C代码编写,可以方便的移植于计算机应用平台,一般只需要额外编写磁盘的读写驱动,就可使用文件系统所有的功能。 3)具有文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读取文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4)支持同时打开最多达254个文件;并且最大可打开文件数可由编译宏MaximumFCB设定。 5)支持多任务文件操作的功能:文件可同时同时被多个任务打开,但只有其中第一个打开文件的任务可以得到文件的完全读写权限,以实现文件在多任务环境下的并发操作的保护。 如需商业使用,请与作者联系啊:qq:292942278,e-mail:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn demo代码只支持FAT16 -Introduction to File System features 1) The file system compatible format FAT16/FAT32 file system to support long file names, multi-level subdirectory, many disk operations, read and write, create delete files and so on function. 2) The file system used to prepare C code can be easily transplanted into the computer application platform, which generally required to prepare additional disk drives to read and write, you can use all the functions of the file system. 3) has the file buffer functions: 1) read documents, read the location of the buffer zone in the document can be directly read from the file buffer, do not need to read physical disk file buffer size can be used to compile macro EnableFileBuf, TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB, FileBUFSize to control . 4) supported at the same time open up to 254 documents and the largest number of documents can be opened by the macro compiler MaximumFCB settings. 5) Supporting file operations mission many features: documents can
Platform: | Size: 689152 | Author: 6756 | Hits:

[Driver Developfat16

Description: 我自己实现的fat16文件系统驱动,非常有价值想学习文件系统驱动的朋友可以一起来研究啊-I realized fat16 file system driver, want to learn a very valuable friend of the file system driver can work together to study ah
Platform: | Size: 1641472 | Author: chenmo | Hits:

[File FormatFAT16

Description: FAT16-FAT32文件系统原理中文说明-FAT16-FAT32 file system, the Chinese principle of explanation
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: 张伟伟 | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式FAT16文件系统C代码免费下载 该文件系统是由本人个人开发的,全部代码在VC下编写,测试。VC下测试基于虚拟磁盘驱动(在Flash_management.c)实现对磁盘的读写。实现的文件系统兼容FAT16/FAT32文件系统格式,兼容长文件名,兼容GB2312/UNICODE汉字编码,并且实现了对子目录的支持,实现了文件的读取,写入,创建,删除等文件系统的常用功能。另个,代码都使用C编写,可以移植到单片机上运行。 (FAT16代码是免费代码,用户可直接使用。 本代码有FAT32(兼容FAT16)和多个盘的版本(收费), 如果需要,请与本人联系!qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn) -FAT16 file system, embedded C code for free download The file system is composed of my personal development, all code in the VC prepared and tested. To test the VC based on the virtual disk drive (in the Flash_management.c) achieve the disk read and write. Implemented file system is compatible with FAT16/FAT32 file system format, compatible with long file names, is compatible with GB2312/UNICODE Chinese character coding, and realized its subdirectory support for the implementation of documentation to read, write, create, delete and other file system common functions. The other one, write code using C can be ported to run on microcontrollers. (FAT16 code is free code, users can directly use. This code has FAT32 (compatible with FAT16) and multi-disc version (fee), if required, please contact me! qq: 292942278, E-MAIL: tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)
Platform: | Size: 453632 | Author: 6756 | Hits:

[File Operatefat16

Description: fat16文件系统的学习源码,有详细的说明,初学者难得的好资料-fat16 file system to study source code, contains a detailed description of a rare good information for beginners
Platform: | Size: 689152 | Author: rainkingson | Hits:


Description: 基于LPC2478的FAT16文件系统,支持U盘-The FAT16 file system based on LPC2478, support U disk
Platform: | Size: 5058560 | Author: xianglei | Hits:
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