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Description: 用单片机读fat16系统的范例,有兴趣用单片机做MP3很有帮助-Single-chip system with an example of reading fat16 interested to do with single-chip MP3 helpful
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: lin | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopSW44b0_FAT16test

Description: 三星开发板 FAT16的文件系统驱动源代码; -Samsung Development Board FAT16 file system driver source code
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 么爱利 | Hits:

[DSP programtest_sd

Description: a simple program to write on SD card with FAT16
Platform: | Size: 308224 | Author: pikkio | Hits:


Description: sd卡 fat16 文件系统SPI总线应用-sd card fat16 file system spi bus
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: qjc | Hits:

[Disk ToolsSetup

Description: 超级硬盘分区工具,可以不破坏硬盘现有数据重新改变分区 大小,支持和,可以进行互相转换,可以隐藏你 现有的分区,支持多操作系统多重启动。- FAT16 FAT32
Platform: | Size: 6473728 | Author: sklfj | Hits:


Description: 一个单片机上的sd卡驱动程序,支持fat32,fat16等文件系统,很有参考价值。-A microcontroller on the sd card driver and support fat32, fat16 file system, etc., of great reference value.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programBPB_parameter

Description: 自己整理的引导扇区BPB参数结构表,包括FAT16、FAT32和NTFS文件系统。-Their finishing boot sector BPB parameter structure table, including FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS file system.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: www | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMMC-SD

Description: Use PIC18f4550 + MMC and FAT16 with the mikroC, this code is a sample how to use the mmc cards with microcontrollers PIC18f-Use PIC18f4550+ MMC and FAT16 with the mikroC, this code is a sample how to use the mmc cards with microcontrollers PIC18f
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: Reinaldo | Hits:


Description: TI Cortex-M3 读写SD卡以及FAT16文件系统管理的源代码.-Cortex-M3 SD read/write and fat16 file system.
Platform: | Size: 235520 | Author: zh | Hits:

[Other Embeded programFAT

Description: FAT32/fat16 SD卡上的代码,已经集成了文件查找,文件文件夹的创建可删除,文件拷贝,文件读取等,方便移植,移植的时候更改缓冲去,和2个主要的硬件读写函数就可以了-The driver of fat32/16 on sd cart,it have all of the function a fat32/fat16 should have,
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 小三 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAll_for_repair_72db82c_with_boot_files

Description: Instruction for repair 7DB82C: 1. Format SD on fat16 and put to SD: (EBOOT82c.nb0, nboot82c.bin, xip82c.nb0) 2. Insert SD into PNA and reset it. 3. When PNA say pmp eror bla bla bla, you format SD and pun on it this files: (appUpdate.exe, jtdAppUpdate_82c.swp) 4. Insert SD into PNA and reset it.
Platform: | Size: 20737024 | Author: Dima | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFAT16

Description: FAT16文件系统免费C代码下载 1)兼容FAT16/FAT32文件系统,支持长文件名,多级目录,多盘操作,读写,创建,删除文件,盘遍厉等等功能 2)采用C代码编写,方便的移植于多种计算机应用平台,一般情况下只需编写额外磁盘的读写驱动,即可使用文件系统所有的功能。 3)具备文件数据块缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在数据块缓冲内,即可直接从数据块缓冲中读取数据,而不需读物理磁盘,加快了读取文件的速度;而且,文件数据块缓冲的大小可由编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4)支持打开多达254个文件;同时,最大允许打开文件数目由编译宏MaximumFCB设定。 5)支持多任务下文件的并发存取:即一个文件可同时被多个任务引用,其中只有第一个引用文件的任务可得到文件的读写完全权限,因此,实现文件了多任务环境下的并发存取。 (FAT16代码为免费代码,用户可用于产品上,并拥有修改的权利! 本代码有FAT32(兼容FAT16)和多盘的收费版本, 如果需要,请与本人联系!qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)-FAT16 file system, C code for free download 1) Compatible FAT16/FAT32 file system, support long file names, multi-level directory, multi-disk operations, read and write, create, delete files, disk and so on over the function of Li 2) using C coding to facilitate transplantation in a variety of computer application platform, under normal circumstances only the development of additional disk drives to read and write, you can use the file system for all functions. 3) Have the file data block buffer functions: 1) read the file, read the location data block buffer, the buffer can be directly read from the data block of data without having to read physical disk, speed up the speed of reading the file Moreover, the file data block size of the buffer can be compiled macro EnableFileBuf, TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB, FileBUFSize to control. 4) support to open up to 254 documents the same time, the maximum allowable number of open files by the compiler macro MaximumFCB settings. 5) Supp
Platform: | Size: 454656 | Author: 6756 | Hits:


Description: msp430f149 fast read/write sd(fat16)( no_file system)
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: songjiaquan | Hits:

[Other Embeded programSham176

Description: code example for msp430 with fat16 file system
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: calvin | Hits:

[Other Embeded programFat16

Description: Fat16 C libaray for AVR GNU
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Adham | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopSD_FAT_430_FAT16

Description: msp430的详细FAT文件系统(包括FAT16)用SD卡实现的工程文件,初学者必备!-msp430 details of FAT file system (including FAT16) with the SD card to the project documents, beginners must have!
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 季圣 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFAT16

Description: 嵌入式FAT文件系统免费源码下载 该文件系统是由本人个人开发的,全部代码在VC下编写,测试。VC下测试基于虚拟磁盘驱动(在Flash_management.c)实现对磁盘的读写。实现的文件系统兼容FAT16/FAT32文件系统格式,兼容长文件名,兼容GB2312/UNICODE汉字编码,并且实现了对子目录的支持,实现了文件的读取,写入,创建,删除等文件系统的常用功能。另个,代码都使用C编写,可以移植到单片机上运行。 (FAT16是免费代码,用户可直接使用。 本代码有FAT32(兼容FAT16)和多个盘的版本(收费), 如果需要,请与本人联系!qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn) -Embedded FAT file system source code for free download The file system is composed of my personal development, all code in the VC prepared and tested. To test the VC based on the virtual disk drive (in the Flash_management.c) achieve the disk read and write. Implemented file system is compatible with FAT16/FAT32 file system format, compatible with long file names, is compatible with GB2312/UNICODE Chinese character coding, and realized its subdirectory support for the implementation of documentation to read, write, create, delete and other file system common functions. The other one, write code using C can be ported to run on microcontrollers. (FAT16 is free code, users can directly use. This code has FAT32 (compatible with FAT16) and multi-disc version (fee), if required, please contact me! qq: 292942278, E-MAIL: tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)
Platform: | Size: 683008 | Author: 6756 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopLPC2478_FS_GUI

Description: 基于LPC2478+3.5TFT液晶+UCGUI+SD+FAT16实现的触摸屏点菜系统 不够完善 希望大家多多指点-LPC2478+3.5TFTLCD+UCGUI+SD+FAT16
Platform: | Size: 15051776 | Author: 何阳 | Hits:


Description: FAT读写SD卡的程序。有Proteus仿真。-FAT SD card reader program. There Proteus simulation.
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: 杨林 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFAT16

Description: 国内第一个兼容中文的嵌入式FAT文件系统免费源码下载 该文件系统是由本人个人开发的,全部代码在VC下编写,测试。VC下测试基于虚拟磁盘驱动(在Flash_management.c)实现对磁盘的读写。实现的文件系统兼容FAT16/FAT32文件系统格式,兼容长文件名,兼容GB2312/UNICODE汉字编码,并且实现了对子目录的支持,实现了文件的读取,写入,创建,删除等文件系统的常用功能。另个,代码都使用C编写,可以移植到单片机上运行。 (FAT16是免费代码,用户可直接使用。 本代码有FAT32(兼容FAT16)和多个盘的版本(收费), 如果需要,请与本人联系!qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)-The first Chinese domestic embedded FAT-compatible file system source code download free The file system is composed of my personal development, all code written in VC under test. VC-based virtual disk drive under test (in Flash_management.c) to achieve reading and writing to disk. File system implementation is compatible file system format FAT16/FAT32 compatible long file names, compatible GB2312/UNICODE character coding, and realized subdirectory support, to achieve the document read, write, create, and delete the file system commonly used features. The other one, the code is written using C, can be transferred to the MCU running. (FAT16 is free code, users can directly use. This code is FAT32 (compatible with FAT16) and multiple disk version (fee), if necessary, please contact me! qq: 292942278, E-MAIL: tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)
Platform: | Size: 901120 | Author: 6756 | Hits:
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