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[Embeded-SCM DevelopMAIN

Description: ARMSYS实验二十四:FAT16文件系统的移植与应用 描述:对Nandflash进行格式化,完成文件系统初 始化,并利用FAT16提供的API函数进行文件操作。 另有:flash_tools,观察nandflash扇区内容的工具-Experimental ARMSYS 24: FAT16 file system and application of transplantation Description: on the NANDFLASH format, the completion of the file system initialization, and use the API provided FAT16 file operations function. Otherwise: flash_tools, to observe the contents of the NANDFLASH sector tools
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: minilin | Hits:

[OS DevelopfileSystem

Description: 文件系统,9600,fat16,fat32 ,还不错哦-File System, 9600, fat16, fat32, oh well
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: 刘苑新 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programU-Disk

Description: U盘读写协议:我开发U盘的重要参考代码。 bulk_only传输协议,FAT16文件系统.-U disk read and write an agreement: I developed an important reference U disk code. bulk_only Transfer Protocol, FAT16 file system.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 杨尚元 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFATSysemStructure

Description: 文本结构 硬盘的物理结构 磁盘引导原理 FAT32和FAT16的文件系统格式,FAT表和目录表等信息。是熟悉FAT文件系统结构的很好教材。-Hard copy of the structure of the physical structure of the disk to guide the principle of FAT32 and FAT16 file system format, FAT table and directory information table. Is familiar with the FAT file system structure of a good textbook.
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: twofish | Hits:

[Other Embeded programSD_FAT16

Description: FAT16文件系统源码,很详细,值得参考!-FAT16 file system source code, very detailed, it is also useful!
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: guo | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop355618ZLGFS

Description: 周立功公司开发的一个文件系统源码,支持FAT12,FAT16,FAT32.但暂不支持长文件名.-Week Ligong developed a file system source code, support for FAT12, FAT16, FAT32. But not support long file names.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 艰苦 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMP3-code

Description: 这款MP3播放器以at89c51snd1c为核心,以硬盘为存储介质,液晶屏为双行显示,每行显示7.5个汉字,这块液晶屏以ST7920作为主控制器,内部集成8129个汉字,液晶屏在这个播放器中用来显示歌曲名称以及一些播放状态 支持FAT16,一个分区,不支持FAT32,USB1.1,速度有点慢希望大家能在这个平台上继续完善,并将成果公开。-This MP3 player to at89c51snd1c as the core, the hard disk as storage medium, for dual-line LCD display, each line shows 7.5 Chinese characters, this LCD screen to ST7920 as a main controller, the internal integration of 8129 Chinese characters, the LCD screen in the The player used to display the song name as well as some players state support FAT16, a partition, do not support FAT32, USB1.1, the speed a bit slow in the hope that we can continue to improve the platform, and the results of the open.
Platform: | Size: 630784 | Author: 林志强 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programflash_fat16

Description: Nand flash FAT16 文件系统源代码 -Nand flash FAT16 file system source code
Platform: | Size: 864256 | Author: ycd | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFAT16

Description: 好东西啊,研究文件系统的必须,给各位有福的朋友们了。-Ah good thing to study the file system must be to you Blessed are the friends.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: weicon | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMSP430_SD_FAT16

Description: 基于MSP430的FAT16文件系统,主要用于访问SD卡-MSP430 Based on the FAT16 file system, mainly used to access the SD card
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: michaelpan | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopUCOSFS_SYS

Description: 本资料包括建立在SD卡和NANDFLASH上的文件系统,具体如下: SD卡:FAT32 NANDFLASH:FAT16 SD&NAND:整合的文件系统,SD(FAT32)的盘符是"ide",NANDFLASH(FAT16)的盘符是"FLASH" uc/FS基本使用方法: 1. FS_Init(),在调用uc/FS功能前需要进行初始化 2. FS_IoCtl(),对媒质进行格式化(SD卡用电脑格式化,所以未给出格式化参数) 3. _write_file, 1)FS_FOpen(),建立文件或打开已有文件,返回文件结构指针 2)FS_FWrite(),数据写入文件 3)FS_FClose(),关闭文件 4. _dump_file,1)1)FS_FOpen(),建立文件或打开已有文件,返回文件结构指针 2)FS_FRead(),读出文件数据 3)FS_FClose(),关闭文件 5. FS_Exit(),关闭文件系统. 具体文件系统应用接口见fs_api.h-本资料包括建立在SD卡和NANDFLASH上的文件系统,具体如下: SD卡:FAT32 NANDFLASH:FAT16 SD&NAND:整合的文件系统,SD(FAT32)的盘符是"ide",NANDFLASH(FAT16)的盘符是"FLASH" uc/FS基本使用方法: 1. FS_Init(),在调用uc/FS功能前需要进行初始化 2. FS_IoCtl(),对媒质进行格式化(SD卡用电脑格式化,所以未给出格式化参数) 3. _write_file, 1)FS_FOpen(),建立文件或打开已有文件,返回文件结构指针 2)FS_FWrite(),数据写入文件 3)FS_FClose(),关闭文件 4. _dump_file,1)1)FS_FOpen(),建立文件或打开已有文件,返回文件结构指针 2)FS_FRead(),读出文件数据 3)FS_FClose(),关闭文件 5. FS_Exit(),关闭文件系统. 具体文件系统应用接口见fs_api.h
Platform: | Size: 1565696 | Author: 乔木 | Hits:


Description: Code to access MMC/SD cards with FAT16/FAT32 file system on an Atmel AVR8. Code contains SDHC support (disabled)
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: gryph | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developsd_fat16_test

Description: 在s3c44b0下利用SD卡进行WAV文件(FAT16格式)播放的源程序-At S3C44B0 use WAV files to SD card (FAT16 format) playback source
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: czm | Hits:


Description: 用philips lpc2312+DSP实现MP3播放,LCD显示,24C02关机数据,SD卡读写,FAT16/32文件系统.-With philips lpc2312+ DSP implementation MP3 player, LCD display, 24C02 shutdown data, SD card reader, FAT16/32 file system.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 张易 | Hits:

[File FormatFAT16-FAT32ch

Description: windows FAT文件系统的格式文档,中文,很有用的
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: 进则群 | Hits:


Description: CH375 主机文件系统接口(支持FAT12/FAT16) MCS-51单片机C语言的U盘文件读写示例程序-CH375 host file system interface (support FAT12/FAT16) MCS-51 single-chip U of C language sample programs to read and write disk files
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 林立生 | Hits:

[OS programFat16-ok

Description: describe functionality reading FAT16
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: hhakan | Hits:

[Other Embeded programmmc_spi_fat16

Description: fat16 biblioteca spi mmc
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: emerson gomes | Hits:


Description: SD卡系统纯源代码模板,提供建立SD文件系统的程序编译系统模式-SD card system of pure source code templates to provide the establishment of procedures for SD file system model compiler system
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 任勇 | Hits:


Description: fat16, fat32 library source program
Platform: | Size: 693248 | Author: an sang woo | Hits:
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