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本程序为pid控制程序,已经在keic上运行过,可以用在步进电机的控制中-the procedures for pid control procedures, in keic run-off, can be used in stepper motor control
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 84.43kb Publisher : 黎明1

本程序为pid控制程序,已经在keic上运行过,可以用在步进电机的控制中-the procedures for pid control procedures, in keic run-off, can be used in stepper motor control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : 黎明1

Atmel算法(pid)-步进电机驱动源码 HOWTO,不好用你找我,绝对ok!-Atmel algorithm (pid)- stepper motor driver source HOWTO, not with you to find me, is absolutely ok!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 230kb Publisher :

一个非常好的电机转速控制器VHDL源代码设计-A very good motor speed controller VHDL design source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : linew

本设计是基于80C51单片机的步进电机控制系统,能够有效地对步进电机转速、方向的控制。为了能够更加人性化的控制系统,本设计还增加了语音提示部分,在实际应用当中由于紧急事件需要在短时间内了解电机的工作情况,这时看数码显示就很不方便,而语音提示提供很大帮助,只要按下语音提示按钮便能获取相关技术数据。 -The design is based on the 80C51 single-chip stepper motor control system, can effectively stepper motor speed and direction control. In order to be more user-friendly control system, the design has also increased the voice part in the practical application of these emergency needs due to a short period of time to understand the work of motor, when it is inconvenient to watch the digital display, and voice prompts to provide great help, as long as the voice prompts by pressing the button will be able to access to relevant technical data.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 147kb Publisher : jmj123

这是我毕业设计做的一个SVPWM同步永磁交流电机的控制系统,里面除了一个SVPWM的驱动算法之外,还有一个步进电机的控制器,以及基于QUARTUS7.2的NIOS II控制核心,通过PC的串口可以控制同步永磁交流电机和步进电机进行精确的定位。该系统较复杂,运用的知识也比较多,在SVPWM算法,PID算法,步进电机控制方面,NIOS II的串口编程等都有值得参考的地方。最好使用QUARTUS7.2编译,目标芯片是选用EP1C6Q240-This is my graduation project SVPWM make a permanent magnet AC synchronous motor control system, which apart from a driver SVPWM algorithm, there is a stepper motor controller, as well as QUARTUS7.2 based on the NIOS II control core, through PC serial port can be controlled permanent magnet AC synchronous motor and stepper motor for accurate positioning. The system is more complicated, the use of more knowledge, in the SVPWM algorithm, PID algorithm, stepper motor control, NIOS II serial programming, such as places are worth considering. QUARTUS7.2 compile the best use of the target chip is optional EP1C6Q240
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.56mb Publisher : 汉武帝

tmsc5509 dsp的PID控制程序,作用对象是步进电机-tmsc5509 dsp of PID control procedures, the role of the object is stepper motor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : xulei

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本设计以P89V51RD2FN单片机为电动小车的控制核心,采用MSA-LD2.0倾角传感器实时测量跷跷板的倾斜角,用ST198光电传感器检测黑色引导线监测小车运动。光电传感器和倾角传感器模块把实时测量信号馈送至单片机,利用专用细分芯片TA8435H驱动步进电机,以脉宽调制式斩波方式对步进电机步进角进行细分,控制和调节小车速度。采用增量式PID控制算法确保小车能够达到平衡;用RT128×64M液晶显示时间、角度等参数。经测试表明:小车各项性能指标达到设计要求,能够实现30秒内小车行驶到规定点,并保持跷跷板平衡;在跷跷板一端配重可调整的情况下,小车也能自动找到平衡点并保持跷跷板平衡。-The single-chip design for the electric car P89V51RD2FN control of the core, the MSA-LD2.0 seesaw angle sensor real-time measurement of the tilt angle, the detection of black ST198 photoelectric sensor to monitor vehicle movement and guide lines.Photoelectric sensors and angle sensors in real-time measurement module to feed the signal to the microcontroller, using a dedicated sub-chip stepper motor driver TA8435H to PWM chopper-type stepper motor on the sub-stepping angle, control and regulation vehicle speed. The use of incremental PID control algorithm to ensure that the car can achieve balance with LCD RT128 × 64M time, angle and other parameters.After the test showed that: the performance car to meet the design requirements can be achieved within 30 seconds car traveling to the provisions of points, and maintain a balanced seesaw in seesaw adjustable weight on one end, the car can automatically find and maintain balance seesaw balance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 281kb Publisher : 黄花

基于labview的步进电机PID控制原理及实现方案-Labview-based PID control of the stepper motor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 104kb Publisher : sean

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用于控制二相步进电机驱动运作,LCD显示,LED显示,而含PID算法。-Used to control two-phase operation of stepper motor driver, LCD display, LED display, and with PID algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yangyingqi

当执行机构需要的不是控制量的绝对值,而是控制量的增量(例如去驱动步进电动机)时,需要用PID的“增量算法”。-When the executing agency need is not the absolute amount of control, but to control the amount of the increment (for example, to drive stepper motors), the need to use PID' s " incremental algorithm."
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 陈小明

本设计以msp430为液体点滴速度监控装置,实现了对液体点滴速度的检测与控制和储液瓶中液面高度的检测报警,并且动态显示点滴速度,可以通过按键设置液体点滴速度并使用步进电机进行速度控制;为了达到较好的调整稳定度,通过PID控制滴速;利用软件屏蔽检测中的异常信号。-The design of the speed monitoring device for the liquid drip, drip of liquid to achieve the speed of detection and control and liquid storage bottle detection of liquid level alarm, and dynamic display of bit rate, you can set the liquid drip rate buttons and use the stepper motor speed control In order to achieve a better adjustment of stability, PID control by dropping speed the use of software screening detection of abnormalities.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 444kb Publisher : pipi

摘要:由于步进电动机调速系统具有非线性等特点,使得利用简单模糊控制与传统PID控制精度不高,因此文中提出利用模 糊PID控制器实现对步进电动机调速系统进行控制的方法,并设计了模糊PID控制器。文中首先建立了步进电动机的数学 模型,并根据数学模型推导了其传递函数 然后介绍了模糊PID控制器结构,以及模糊控制规则的生成方法,并且对该控制 方案进行数字仿真。仿真结果表明:该方法调节精度较高,动态响应快,无超调,有一定的可行性。 -Abstract: As the stepper motor drive system has nonlinear characteristics, which make use of simple fuzzy control with traditional PID control accuracy is not high, so this paper proposes to use fuzzy PID controller of the stepper motor drive system control, fuzzy PID controller was designed. At first the mathematical model of the stepping motor, and derived a mathematical model and its transfer function then describes the structure of fuzzy PID controller, and fuzzy control rule generation method, and digital simulation of the control program. Simulation results show that: the method to adjust the high accuracy, fast dynamic response, no overshoot, there is certainly feasible.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 135kb Publisher : 孙文

传统PID控制器通常难以满足多变量、非线性、强耦合的步进电机动态响应和精 确调速要求,结合传统PID控制和模糊控制及遗传算法(GA)整定PID参数的优点,设计基于 模糊遗传算法的实时自适应步进电动机PID控制器,充分发挥传统和智能控制策略各自的优 势。仿真结果表明,该实时自适应步进电动机PID控制器,具有很好的自适应能力和抗负载扰 动能力。在稳定性、动态速度响应诸方面均优于传统的PID控制器和模糊控制器,系统达到了 较高调速性能和控制精度。 -Traditional PID controller is often difficult to meet the multi-variable, nonlinear, strong coupling dynamics of stepping motor response and accurate speed control, combining the traditional PID control and fuzzy control and genetic algorithm (GA) 整 PID parameters set the advantages of the design based on fuzzy Adaptive genetic algorithm in PID controller, stepper motor, give full play to traditional and intelligent control their own advantages. Simulation results show that the real-time adaptive PID controller, stepper motor, has good adaptive ability and resistance to load disturbances. The stability of the dynamic speed response is superior to the traditional aspects of PID controller and fuzzy controller, the system reached a high speed performance and control precision.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 456kb Publisher : 孙文

该程序实现PCI9112在PC机上控制直流电机和步进电机的转动,并实现了PID算法和模糊算法-The program realization PCI9112 PC, controlling the DC motor and stepper motor rotation, and to achieve the PID algorithm and the fuzzy algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 340kb Publisher : wu

模拟电位器 H–2 H.2 怎样使用高速计数器 H–6 H.3 自由通信口模式的简单应用 H–10 H.4 处理脉宽调制 H–13 H.5 可逆电动机起动器电路――适用于改变三相交流感应电动机旋转方向 H–16 H.6 步执行顺序(事件鼓定时器) H–19 H.7 S7-200用自由通信口模式和并行打印机连接 H–23 H.8 通过自由通信口模式接受条形码阅读器的信息 H–27 H.9 集成脉冲输出通过步进电机进行定位控制 H–31 H.10 SIMATIC S7-221通过自由通信口模式控制贺氏(Hayes)调制解调器 H–37 H.11 几台SIMATIC S7-200 PLC使用自由通信口模式连接在一个远程I/O网络上 H–43 H.12 S7-224与SIMOVERT电机驱动器之间的自由通信口通信接口 H-54 H.13 用S7-200 CPU 224 DC/DC/DC进行定位控制,并具有位置监视和位置校正 H-64 H.14 用S7-200实现PID控制 H-80 H.15 模拟量输入的处理 H-92 H.16 S7-200与PC之间的连接:从Windows应用程序中读数据 H-98-Analog potentiometers H-2 H.2 How to use high-speed counter H-6 H.3 Simple application of the Freeport mode H-10 H.4 Dealing with pulse width modulation H-13 H.5 Reversible motor starter circuit- to change the direction of rotation of three-phase AC induction motor H-16 H.6 Step sequence (drum event timer) H-19 H.7 S7-200 Freeport mode and parallel printer connection H-23 H.8 Freeport mode to accept the bar code reader H-27 H.9 Integrated pulse output by the stepper motor positioning control H-31 H.10 SIMATIC S7-221 modem Hayes (Hayes) Freeport mode to control H-37 H.11 Of SIMATIC S7-200 PLC to use the Freeport mode to connect a remote I/O network H-43 H.12 Freeport communication interface between the S7-224 and SIMOVERT motor drive H-54 H.13 S7-200 CPU 224 the DC/DC/DC positioning control and position monitoring and position correction H-64 H.14 S7-200 PID control H-80 H.15 Processing of analog input H-92 H.16 Connection between the S7-200
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 761kb Publisher : 李明

通过单片机用PID算法控制步进电机的简单程序。可供初学者研究理解-Through the single-chip using PID algorithm to control stepper motor procedures. For beginners on understanding
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : yanyong

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利用DSP中的28035对步进电机进行顺时针方向控制,采用PID控制算法-Using DSP in 28,035 pairs of stepper motor control clockwise direction, using PID control algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : ccm

PID控制包的功能块(FB)包括了用于连续控制(CONT_C)和步进控制 (CONT_S)的控制块,以及用于脉宽调制(PULSEGEN)的FB。 控制器块实现了一个纯软件控制器,它所包含的功能块可以提供控制器 的所有功能。循环计算所需的数据存储在为FB分配的数据块中。这样, 便可以按照需要频繁地调用FB。 功能块PULSEGEN和功能块CONT_C一起,可实现具有脉冲输出的控制 器,用于控制比例执行器。-PID control packet function blocks (FB) includes a control block for continuous control (CONT_C) and stepper control (CONT_S), and FB for pulse-width modulation (PULSEGEN)' s. The controller block implements a pure software controller function blocks can provide it contains all the features of the controller. Cycle to calculate the required data is stored in the FB allocated data blocks. Thus, they can call the FB frequently as needed. Function blocks and function blocks CONT_C PULSEGEN together, can achieve a pulse output controller for controlling the ratio of the actuator.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 583kb Publisher : 王海

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这是一个专门用来以PID算法为基础的调节步进电机转角,以此来表示阀门开度的程序。-This is a specifically designed to adjust the PID algorithm based stepper motor rotation, in order to represent the valve opening procedure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 65kb Publisher : 陈斌
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