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GPS在移动机器人导航定位系统中的应用,欢迎下载!-GPS in mobile robot navigation and positioning system are welcome to download!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 291kb Publisher : xuyuhua

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用于移动机器人SLAM的仿真工具箱(CAS Robot Navigation Toolbox)。由Kai Arras编写。可迅速构建移动机器人仿真平台。-For mobile robot SLAM Simulation Toolbox (CAS Robot Navigation Toolbox). Prepared by Kai Arras. Can quickly build a mobile robot simulation platform.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.29mb Publisher : 任春明

未知环境下基于SLAM的移动机器人导航算法研究.doc 惯性导航技术人员可以参考-Unknown environment based on the SLAM of Mobile Robot Navigation Algorithm. Doc inertial navigation and technical personnel can refer to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 635kb Publisher : ffgh

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智能移动机器人是一种在复杂的环境下工作的具有自规划、自组织、自适应能力的机器人。导航算法的研究是智能机器人研究领域的一个热点话题。智能导航的目的就是在没有人干预下使机器人有目的地移动并完成特定任务,进行特定操作。-Intelligent mobile robot is a complex environment to work with self-planning, self-organizing, adaptive capacity robot. Navigation algorithm is intelligent robot research a hot topic. Smart navigation is aimed at no one in the intervention so that the mobile robot has a destination and complete the specific tasks to carry out specific actions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.94mb Publisher : LIU

路径跟踪是机器人视觉导航控制基本技术之一,为使机器人沿地面彩色引导线自主运动,并能在适时离线执行任务 后自动返航,提出了一种用可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现的视觉伺服PID 控制方法。该方法利用图像特征反馈对其所跟踪的 路经进行实时识别跟踪。仿真结果表明,该方法改善了控制算法的实时性,提高了移动机器人的路径跟踪精度与速度。-Path tracking control of robot visual navigation, one of the basic technology, in order to guide the robot along the ground color line autonomous movement, and offline in a timely manner after the implementation of auto-return mission, a programmable logic device to use (CPLD) realize the visual servoing PID control methods. By using image feature tracking their feedback via real-time identification and tracking. The simulation results show that the method improves the real-time control algorithms, and enhance the mobile robot path tracking accuracy and speed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 450kb Publisher : 高子

一篇应用卡尔曼滤波和粒子滤波进行移动机器人室外定位的博士论文-A PhD Thesis Mobile Robot Localisation and Mapping in Extensive Outdoor Environments Utilizing Kalman Filter and Particle Filter
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.33mb Publisher : fd

% Function to use Navigation Potential for robot Motion, to avoid % Obstactles % Inputs : User enter number of obstacles % User defines obstacles and start and goal point, by clicking mouse % Output: Obstacle free path plotted % Video of the run saved to hard disk-% Function to use Navigation Potential for robot Motion, to avoid % Obstactles % Inputs : User enter number of obstacles % User defines obstacles and start and goal point, by clicking mouse % Output: Obstacle free path plotted % Video of the run saved to hard disk
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : ahmad

该PDF论文为TimBailey所著,为其博士论文,详细介绍了EKFSLAM,FASTSLAM1.0,FASTSLAM2.0的相同点和不同点以及优劣。-This thesis addresses the issues of scale for practical implementations of simultaneous localisation and mapping [SLAM] in extensive outdoor environments. Building an incremental map while also using it for localisation is of prime importance for mobile robot navigation but, until recently, has been confined to small-scale, mostly indoor, environments. The critical problems for large-scale implementations are as follows.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.33mb Publisher : xuyuhua

机器人的全部目标是产生一个实验室的引导路线。实验室里的各种不同方向坐标已经存储,并且机器人在不同方向移动的非常成功。在某一方向,它可以给出该方向的位置。在不同方位的移动,机器人需要几个阶段,首先定位在某一位置,接着计算下一个方向的路程。-The overall goal of the robot is to conduct a guided tour of the laboratory. Coordinates of various stations in the room are stored, and the robot moves successively from station to station. At each station, it gives an explanation of that station. To move between stations, the robot make several steps, localizing itself at each step and recalculating the way to the next station
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 波波

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室内服务机器人导航方法,室内服务机器人导航方法-Indoor service robot navigation method, indoor service robot navigation method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 234kb Publisher : zhang huanyu

机器人全方位摄像机导航。捕获红色信息,并输出旋转角度和方向-Omnidirectional camera robot navigation. Red information capture and output and direction of rotation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 刘明

This project provides matlab class for implementation of convolutional neural networks. This networks was created by Yann LeCun and have sucessfully used in many practical applications, such as handwritten digits recognition, face detection, robot navigation and others This release includes sample of handwritten digits recognition using CNN.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 539kb Publisher : ssss

SLAM Robot Navigation Toolbox.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.74mb Publisher : Erag0n

粒子滤波器在机器人导航中的成功应用,扩展卡尔曼滤波器。-Particle filter in robot navigation in the successful application of extended Kalman filter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : dnegel

移动机器人导航的发展趋势,权威人士编写,很有指导意义-Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation:A Survey
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.19mb Publisher : 张碧丛

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Quick Guide of The CAS Robot Navigation Toolbox.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 227kb Publisher : ajidehac

本程序采用最新的生物刺激神经网络编程,充分利用智能机器人的导航功能,程序完整-This program uses the latest biostimulation neural network programming to take full advantage of the intelligent robot navigation function, the integrity of the process
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : wu wen bo

应用神经网络知识解决机器人的自主导航问题-Application of neural network knowledge to solve the autonomous robot navigation problems
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 380kb Publisher : waa

基于栅格地图的机器人模糊地图创建方法的介绍知识。-Raster map-based robot fuzzy map to create a method of introduction of knowledge.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 545kb Publisher : waa

未知环境中移动机器人导航控制的一些文章,对研究机器人自主导航具有一定的参考价值-Some articles unknown environment mobile robot navigation control, the study of autonomous navigation has a certain reference value
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.48mb Publisher : a32818
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