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Description: 系统基本功能要求: 1、制图功能 作为一个功能较为完善的建模工具,制图功能应该是最不可或缺的。本建模工具可以实现对于直线、连续直线、多边形区域、圆、圆形区域、圆弧、字符(包括汉字和英文字母)Beizer曲线、B样条曲线等图形元素的较精确绘制,能够根据工业流程实现流程的图示节点表示,并实现包括添、删、移动、连接、清除流程图示节点等编辑功能,和对流程图示节点的仪器功能参数进行设置。对于初级用户而言,操作比较简单,无需太多的学习时间即可进行图形绘制。 2、存储功能 拥有制图功能,同样,建模工具的存储功能也是必不可少的。否则,制图就失去了其应有的意义。本建模工具可将数据结果以特定格式存储在相关数据库中,免除了纸张存储的繁琐和不便,并且比纸张存储更安全可靠。 -basic system functions : one, mapping function as a function of better modeling tools, mapping is the most indispensable. The modeling tools can be achieved for the straight, continuous line, polygon regional round, circular area, arc, characters (including Chinese characters and English letters) Beizer curve, B-spline curves and other graphical elements in a more accurate rendering, according to industrial processes to achieve process icon nodes, including Tim and achieve cut, mobile, connectivity, Picture shows node removal processes such as editing, and the process equipment icon nodes function parameters set. For the primary users, the operation simple, without too much study time will be able to proceed graphics rendering. 2, storage functionality with mapping functions, and similarly
Platform: | Size: 237006 | Author: 何阿瑟 | Hits:


Description: Tribe FloodNet 2k Distributed Denial Of Service Network 分布式拒绝服务工具的源代码,下面为英文说明: TFN can be seen as the yet most functional DoS attack tool with the best performance that is now almost impossible to detect. What is my point in releasing this? Let me assure you it isn t to harm people or companies. It is, however, to scare the heck out of everyone who does not care about systematically securing his system, because tools sophisticated as this one are out, currently being improved drastically, kept PRIVATE, and some of them not with the somewhat predictable functionality of Denial Of Service. It is time for everyone to wake up, and realize the worst scenario that could happen to him if he does not care enough about security issues. Therefore, this program is also designed to compile on a maximum number of various operating systems, to show that almost no modern operating system is specifically secure, including Windows, Solaris, most UNIX flavors and Linux. -Tribe FloodNet 2k Distributed Denial Of Se rvice Network Distributed denial of service tools source code for the English below : TFN can be seen as the most functional yet DoS att Ack tool with the best performance that is now al most impossible to detect. What is my point in re this leasing Let me assure you it isn t to harm peo ple or companies. It is, however, to scare the heck out of everyone who does not car e about systematically securing his system, because tools sophisticated as this one are out , currently being improved drastically. PRIVATE kept, and some of them not with the somewhat predictab le functionality of Denial Of Service. It is tim e for everyone to wake up. and realize the worst scenario that could Happe n to him if he does not care enough about security issues. There
Platform: | Size: 44662 | Author: onlyu | Hits:


Description: sp做的新闻系统 可能有些刚开始做网站都是做静态网页,但随着内容的增加静态是不够的。而且不恬合真正网站的需要。最大的缺点就是修改内容慢!这个系统是有jsp+access做的,也有jsp+mysql和sql server希望和大家分享。-sp do some news that may just beginning sites are static pages done, But with the increase in static content is not enough. Tim, but not a real site needs. The biggest drawback is the slow revision! The system is jsp access done, also jsp mysql and sql server and you share.
Platform: | Size: 146214 | Author: zhangmeng | Hits:

[Other resourceztwd

Description: 电力系统在台稳定计算式电力系统不正常运行方式的一种计算。它的任务是已知电力系统某一正常运行状态和受到某种扰动,计算电力系统所有发电机能否同步运行 1运行说明: 请输入初始功率S0,形如a+bi 请输入无限大系统母线电压V0 请输入系统等值电抗矩阵B 矩阵B有以下元素组成的行矩阵 1正常运行时的系统直轴等值电抗Xd 2故障运行时的系统直轴等值电抗X d 3故障切除后的系统直轴等值电抗 请输入惯性时间常数Tj 请输入时段数N 请输入哪个时段发生故障Ni 请输入每时段间隔的时间dt-power system stability in the Taiwan Power computing system is not the normal operating mode of calculation. Its mission is a known power system uptime status and be subject to some disturbance, computing power system all synchronous generator can run an operation Note : Please enter the initial power S0, shaped like a bi Please enter the infinite system bus voltage V0 Please enter the system equivalent reactance matrix B matrix B group has the following elements the line matrix into a normal operation of the system straight axis equivalent reactance Xd two fault systems running straight axis equivalent reactance X d 3 after resection of the fault system straight axis equivalent reactance Please enter the inertial time constant Tj Please enter the number of hours which N Please enter a tim
Platform: | Size: 1107 | Author: 魏鹏 | Hits:

[Web Servercnend20

Description: 终点小说连载系统v2.0 Access版 功能介绍: 一、会员功能模块 1、站内短信发布(正在制作) 2、书架收藏夹 3、发表评论(功能不完善) 4、申请作家(与添书员整合) 5、申请添书员(与作家整合) 6、申请更新员 7、VIP会员申请(请在“在线客服”中留言给管理员提出申请) 二、作家功能模块 1、我的文章 2、发表新作 3、增加章节 4、作家专栏 5、VIP作品申请(正在制作) 三、添书员功能模块 和作家功能类似,不在介绍 四、静态图书生成模块(部分完成) 五、广告管理模块(部分完成) 六、后台管理模块 网站的核心内容,功能如下: 1、系统参数配置 2、网站数据备份 3、在线执行SQL 4、作品管理 5、作品采集-end of a series of novels Access System v2.0 version features presentations : one, a member function modules, SMS station released (under production) 2, three bookshelves favorites, comment (Functional imperfect) 4, application writers (Tim Rapporteur on integration) 5, Tim book for members (with writer integration) six, seven members for updating, VIP membership application (the "Online customer service" message to the administrator application) 2, a writer functional modules, two of my articles published for the three new, more chapters 4, 5 column writer, works for VIP (under production) 3. Tim Rapporteur on functional modules and writers have similar functionality, not to introduce four, static library generation module (partially completed) 5. advertising Management Module (
Platform: | Size: 716242 | Author: fossilth | Hits:

[Other resource9.7_DIRIVER_control

Description: 基于Verilog-HDL的硬件电路的实现 9.7 步进电机的控制   9.7.1 步进电机驱动的逻辑符号   9.7.2 步进电机驱动的时序图   9.7.3 步进电机驱动的逻辑框图   9.7.4 计数模块的设计与实现   9.7.5 译码模块的设计与实现   9.7.6 步进电机驱动的Verilog-HDL描述    9.7.7 编译指令-\"宏替换`define\"的使用方法   9.7.8 编译指令-\"时间尺度`timescale\"的使用方法   9.7.9 系统任务-\"$finish\"的使用方法   9.7.10 步进电机驱动的硬件实现 -based on Verilog-HDL hardware Circuit of 9.7 Stepper Motor Control 9.7 .1 stepper motor-driven logic symbols 9.7.2 stepper motor driven map the chronology -- Step 9.7.3 Machine-driven logic diagram 9.7.4 Counting Module Design and Implementation 9.7.5 decoding module design and Implementation 9.7.6 stepper motor driven Verilog-HDL Compiler means locale 9.7.7 Description Order - "macro substitution` define "the use 9.7.8 compiler directives -" The time scale `tim escale "use 9.7.9 system tasks -" $ finish "to use 9.7.10 stepper motor drive hardware
Platform: | Size: 2523 | Author: 宁宁 | Hits:

[assembly languageduojiwuxiantongxin

Description: 无线通信系统 1、系统由一个主站,多个从站组成。主站以轮询方式收集从站的数据,每次传输一组仿真数据。 2、从站有两组数字信号。从站传输哪一组数据由主站决定。 3、设计制作无线半双工收发单元,其工作频率(400-500)MHz中自行选择,各收发单元工作频率的相对准确性(以主站工作频率为基准)优于10-4。所有收发单元的发射功率不大于1w。 4、主从站收发天线长度 1m,垂直放置。 5、主站能实时显示发送数据的从站好及其数据。从站能实时显示本站发送给主站的数据;从站采用电池供电。 -a wireless communication system, the system consists of a master station, a number of components from the station. Polling stations in the main collection of data from each group a transmission simulation data. 2, only two points from the digital signal. Transmission from which data from the main points decision. 3 and the design of wireless half-duplex transceiver modules, its frequency (400-500) MHz which to choose, the frequency transceiver modules relative accuracy (to the main points of the baseline frequency) is better than 10 -4. All transceiver module fired power less than a w. 4, the main station transceivers from the antenna length of 1m, placed vertically. 5, the main station can send real-time display of data from the good points and its data. From the station can send real-tim
Platform: | Size: 3551 | Author: liujia002007 | Hits:

[Game Programaug01

Description: 国外游戏开发者杂志2001年第八期配套代码,包含Tim Schoeder在Volition Red Faction使用到的碰撞探测系统源代码--Code of development magazine in 2001 the eighth issue, including collision detection system source code that Tim Schoeder has used in Volition Red Factionto
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 系统基本功能要求: 1、制图功能 作为一个功能较为完善的建模工具,制图功能应该是最不可或缺的。本建模工具可以实现对于直线、连续直线、多边形区域、圆、圆形区域、圆弧、字符(包括汉字和英文字母)Beizer曲线、B样条曲线等图形元素的较精确绘制,能够根据工业流程实现流程的图示节点表示,并实现包括添、删、移动、连接、清除流程图示节点等编辑功能,和对流程图示节点的仪器功能参数进行设置。对于初级用户而言,操作比较简单,无需太多的学习时间即可进行图形绘制。 2、存储功能 拥有制图功能,同样,建模工具的存储功能也是必不可少的。否则,制图就失去了其应有的意义。本建模工具可将数据结果以特定格式存储在相关数据库中,免除了纸张存储的繁琐和不便,并且比纸张存储更安全可靠。 -basic system functions : one, mapping function as a function of better modeling tools, mapping is the most indispensable. The modeling tools can be achieved for the straight, continuous line, polygon regional round, circular area, arc, characters (including Chinese characters and English letters) Beizer curve, B-spline curves and other graphical elements in a more accurate rendering, according to industrial processes to achieve process icon nodes, including Tim and achieve cut, mobile, connectivity, Picture shows node removal processes such as editing, and the process equipment icon nodes function parameters set. For the primary users, the operation simple, without too much study time will be able to proceed graphics rendering. 2, storage functionality with mapping functions, and similarly
Platform: | Size: 236544 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Tribe FloodNet 2k Distributed Denial Of Service Network 分布式拒绝服务工具的源代码,下面为英文说明: TFN can be seen as the yet most functional DoS attack tool with the best performance that is now almost impossible to detect. What is my point in releasing this? Let me assure you it isn t to harm people or companies. It is, however, to scare the heck out of everyone who does not care about systematically securing his system, because tools sophisticated as this one are out, currently being improved drastically, kept PRIVATE, and some of them not with the somewhat predictable functionality of Denial Of Service. It is time for everyone to wake up, and realize the worst scenario that could happen to him if he does not care enough about security issues. Therefore, this program is also designed to compile on a maximum number of various operating systems, to show that almost no modern operating system is specifically secure, including Windows, Solaris, most UNIX flavors and Linux. -Tribe FloodNet 2k Distributed Denial Of Se rvice Network Distributed denial of service tools source code for the English below : TFN can be seen as the most functional yet DoS att Ack tool with the best performance that is now al most impossible to detect. What is my point in re this leasing Let me assure you it isn t to harm peo ple or companies. It is, however, to scare the heck out of everyone who does not car e about systematically securing his system, because tools sophisticated as this one are out , currently being improved drastically. PRIVATE kept, and some of them not with the somewhat predictab le functionality of Denial Of Service. It is tim e for everyone to wake up. and realize the worst scenario that could Happe n to him if he does not care enough about security issues. There
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: onlyu | Hits:


Description: sp做的新闻系统 可能有些刚开始做网站都是做静态网页,但随着内容的增加静态是不够的。而且不恬合真正网站的需要。最大的缺点就是修改内容慢!这个系统是有jsp+access做的,也有jsp+mysql和sql server希望和大家分享。-sp do some news that may just beginning sites are static pages done, But with the increase in static content is not enough. Tim, but not a real site needs. The biggest drawback is the slow revision! The system is jsp access done, also jsp mysql and sql server and you share.
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: zhangmeng | Hits:

[Shell apiSystem_Time_Loading

Description: 调用系统时间,很基本,但对于扩展程序本身的功能很好-calling system, a very basic, but for the expansion of the function itself well
Platform: | Size: 287744 | Author: 黎明 | Hits:


Description: 电力系统在台稳定计算式电力系统不正常运行方式的一种计算。它的任务是已知电力系统某一正常运行状态和受到某种扰动,计算电力系统所有发电机能否同步运行 1运行说明: 请输入初始功率S0,形如a+bi 请输入无限大系统母线电压V0 请输入系统等值电抗矩阵B 矩阵B有以下元素组成的行矩阵 1正常运行时的系统直轴等值电抗Xd 2故障运行时的系统直轴等值电抗X d 3故障切除后的系统直轴等值电抗 请输入惯性时间常数Tj 请输入时段数N 请输入哪个时段发生故障Ni 请输入每时段间隔的时间dt-power system stability in the Taiwan Power computing system is not the normal operating mode of calculation. Its mission is a known power system uptime status and be subject to some disturbance, computing power system all synchronous generator can run an operation Note : Please enter the initial power S0, shaped like a bi Please enter the infinite system bus voltage V0 Please enter the system equivalent reactance matrix B matrix B group has the following elements the line matrix into a normal operation of the system straight axis equivalent reactance Xd two fault systems running straight axis equivalent reactance X d 3 after resection of the fault system straight axis equivalent reactance Please enter the inertial time constant Tj Please enter the number of hours which N Please enter a tim
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 魏鹏 | Hits:

[WEB Codecnend20

Description: 终点小说连载系统v2.0 Access版 功能介绍: 一、会员功能模块 1、站内短信发布(正在制作) 2、书架收藏夹 3、发表评论(功能不完善) 4、申请作家(与添书员整合) 5、申请添书员(与作家整合) 6、申请更新员 7、VIP会员申请(请在“在线客服”中留言给管理员提出申请) 二、作家功能模块 1、我的文章 2、发表新作 3、增加章节 4、作家专栏 5、VIP作品申请(正在制作) 三、添书员功能模块 和作家功能类似,不在介绍 四、静态图书生成模块(部分完成) 五、广告管理模块(部分完成) 六、后台管理模块 网站的核心内容,功能如下: 1、系统参数配置 2、网站数据备份 3、在线执行SQL 4、作品管理 5、作品采集-end of a series of novels Access System v2.0 version features presentations : one, a member function modules, SMS station released (under production) 2, three bookshelves favorites, comment (Functional imperfect) 4, application writers (Tim Rapporteur on integration) 5, Tim book for members (with writer integration) six, seven members for updating, VIP membership application (the "Online customer service" message to the administrator application) 2, a writer functional modules, two of my articles published for the three new, more chapters 4, 5 column writer, works for VIP (under production) 3. Tim Rapporteur on functional modules and writers have similar functionality, not to introduce four, static library generation module (partially completed) 5. advertising Management Module (
Platform: | Size: 715776 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 基于Verilog-HDL的硬件电路的实现 9.7 步进电机的控制   9.7.1 步进电机驱动的逻辑符号   9.7.2 步进电机驱动的时序图   9.7.3 步进电机驱动的逻辑框图   9.7.4 计数模块的设计与实现   9.7.5 译码模块的设计与实现   9.7.6 步进电机驱动的Verilog-HDL描述    9.7.7 编译指令-"宏替换`define"的使用方法   9.7.8 编译指令-"时间尺度`timescale"的使用方法   9.7.9 系统任务-"$finish"的使用方法   9.7.10 步进电机驱动的硬件实现 -based on Verilog-HDL hardware Circuit of 9.7 Stepper Motor Control 9.7 .1 stepper motor-driven logic symbols 9.7.2 stepper motor driven map the chronology-- Step 9.7.3 Machine-driven logic diagram 9.7.4 Counting Module Design and Implementation 9.7.5 decoding module design and Implementation 9.7.6 stepper motor driven Verilog-HDL Compiler means locale 9.7.7 Description Order- "macro substitution` define "the use 9.7.8 compiler directives-" The time scale `tim escale "use 9.7.9 system tasks-" $ finish "to use 9.7.10 stepper motor drive hardware
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 宁宁 | Hits:

[assembly languageduojiwuxiantongxin

Description: 无线通信系统 1、系统由一个主站,多个从站组成。主站以轮询方式收集从站的数据,每次传输一组仿真数据。 2、从站有两组数字信号。从站传输哪一组数据由主站决定。 3、设计制作无线半双工收发单元,其工作频率(400-500)MHz中自行选择,各收发单元工作频率的相对准确性(以主站工作频率为基准)优于10-4。所有收发单元的发射功率不大于1w。 4、主从站收发天线长度 1m,垂直放置。 5、主站能实时显示发送数据的从站好及其数据。从站能实时显示本站发送给主站的数据;从站采用电池供电。 -a wireless communication system, the system consists of a master station, a number of components from the station. Polling stations in the main collection of data from each group a transmission simulation data. 2, only two points from the digital signal. Transmission from which data from the main points decision. 3 and the design of wireless half-duplex transceiver modules, its frequency (400-500) MHz which to choose, the frequency transceiver modules relative accuracy (to the main points of the baseline frequency) is better than 10-4. All transceiver module fired power less than a w. 4, the main station transceivers from the antenna length of 1m, placed vertically. 5, the main station can send real-time display of data from the good points and its data. From the station can send real-tim
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[Education soft systemDataBase

Description: 用VC+ADO+ACCESS 做的学生管理系统,和其他学生管理系统差不多,都是添删改等操作,主要在ADO方面有点学习价值-With VC+ ADO+ ACCESS students doing management system, management system and other students or less the same, and so are Tim excision operation, mainly in the area a bit to learn the value of ADO
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: 张大勇 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringTaOPis---KM---Tim-27---wiki-@-the-Autopoietic-Inf

Description: Autopoietic Information System
Platform: | Size: 2608128 | Author: masiraca | Hits:


Description: Describe: Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically -Describe: Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically
Platform: | Size: 801792 | Author: oliveroken2020 | Hits:

[File FormatAn_Analyzable_Memory_Controller_for_Hard_Real-Tim

Description: IEEE research paper on embedded system
Platform: | Size: 409600 | Author: LALIT BHANWRELA | Hits:
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