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[Embeded-SCM Develop异步fifo的两种经典设计

Description: 异步fifo的两种经典设计,英文文章,里面含有verilog源代码
Platform: | Size: 220577 | Author: handsomexun | Hits:

[Windows Develop页片置换中的FIFO、LRU和OPT算法

Description: 页式管理关于缺页、中断、优化的FIFO、LRU和OPT算法,通过三种算法,可分别计算得出在页片置换中的缺页次数和缺页率以及被淘汰的页号...
Platform: | Size: 438072 | Author: zhang20082100 | Hits:


Description: 异步FIFO常用于存储、缓冲在两个异步时钟之间的数据传输。在异步电路中,由于时钟之间周期和相位完全独立,因而数据的丢失概率不为零。如何设计一个高可靠性、高速的异步FIFO电路便成为一个难点。本例采用格雷码方式,用verilog语言实现了异步FIFO控制,大大降低误码率,提高了可靠性。
Platform: | Size: 5440 | Author: hangman_102@126.com | Hits:


Description: 用16*8 RAM实现一个同步先进先出(FIFO)队列设计。由写使能端控制该数据流的写入FIFO,并由读使能控制FIFO中数据的读出。写入和读出的操作由时钟的上升沿触发。当FIFO的数据满和空的时候分别设置相应的高电平加以指示。
Platform: | Size: 1302250 | Author: lavien520@163.com | Hits:

[OS DevelopFIFO

Description: 关于操作系统:先进先出调度算法(FIFO)处理缺页中断-On the operating system: FIFO scheduling algorithms (FIFO) handling page fault
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 王伟(就是刚才的 hgy | Hits:


Description: 模拟操作系统虚拟存储中的页面置换算法采用FIFO算法和LRU算法-simulation operating system virtual memory pages the algorithm used FIFO replacement algorithm and LRU algorithm
Platform: | Size: 248832 | Author: 杨鼎新 | Hits:

[Windows Developfifo源程序

Description: fifo源程序,VHDL编写~具有一定的参考价值~-source code of a fifo, writen in VHDL, will be useful to some extent as a reference
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是liunx下C编程关于fifo使用的例子,其中比较全面的讲述了fifo的使用方法。-This is an example of using fifo in linux c,which shows a whole operation guide on fifo.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 钟文德 | Hits:

[OS Develop内存管理—FIFO算法

Description: 请求页式存储管理方案:页面淘汰算法采用 FIFO页面淘汰算法,并且在淘汰一页时,只将该页在页表中修改状态位。而不再判断它是否被改写过,也不将它写回到辅存。-request page-storage management programs : pages out FIFO algorithm out pages algorithm, and in an out, only to the page in the page table to amend the state spaces. Rather than judge whether it be redrafted, it was not to return to the secondary deposit.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lili | Hits:


Description: 编了个8*8位的fifo数据缓冲器的vhdl源程序,是经过quartusII4.2编译成功的程序。。希望能跟各位交流-Bianlegan 8* 8 of the data buffer fifo VHDL source, after quartusII4.2 compiler successful procedures. . Hope you enjoy the exchanges
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 夏社 | Hits:


Description: 用verilog语言在fpga中实现fifo功能!-using Verilog language in which they simply realize fifo function!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘涛 | Hits:


Description: 异步FIFO控制器的设计 主要用于异步先进先出控制器的设计。 所用语言Verilog HDL.-asynchronous FIFO controller design for the main asynchronous FIFO controller design. The language used Verilog HDL.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李鹏 | Hits:

[OS DevelopFIFO-shao

Description: 进程调度算法有FIFO,优先数调度算法,时间片轮转调度算法,分级调度算法-process FIFO scheduling algorithm, priority number scheduling, time slice Web scheduling, classification algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: shao | Hits:


Description: 操作系统中的 内存管理 FIFO算法模拟-OS FIFO memory management algorithm simulation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 静水 | Hits:

[OS programfifo

Description: 计算机操作系统中的页面置换算法源程序,包括fifo,lru,opt等,用vc编写-computer operating system replacement pages algorithm source code, including fifo, lru, opt. prepared using vc
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 孤鸿影 | Hits:


Description: 一个可以综合的Verilog 写的FIFO存储器 内附文档说明-a comprehensive Verilog can write FIFO memory attached document shows
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: wutailiang | Hits:


Description: 异步FIFO控制器的Verilog设计与实现-Asynchronous FIFO controller Verilog Design and Implementation
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 陈晨 | Hits:


Description: FIFO的Verilog程序 已在modelsim中编译通过 并且可以通过DC进行综合-FIFO procedures have been in the Verilog in ModelSim compiler and can be passed through the integrated DC
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: liujl | Hits:


Description: 高速FIFO,verilog设计。速度高达130Mhz-High-speed FIFO, verilog design. Speed up to 130MHz
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个FIFO的原代码 非常有用 给大家共享了 下吧-A FIFO of the original code is very useful to the U.S. to share the next bar
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wang | Hits:
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