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This a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images. This toolbox is a result of research that has been carried out in the Laboratory of Computational Engineering at Helsinki University of Technology and in the Machine Vision Group at University of Oulu.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 34.9kb Publisher : abc

The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 65.32kb Publisher : 晨曦

This a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images. This toolbox is a result of research that has been carried out in the Laboratory of Computational Engineering at Helsinki University of Technology and in the Machine Vision Group at University of Oulu.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 35kb Publisher : abc

The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 65kb Publisher : 晨曦

This paper presents a clustering approach which estimates the specific subspace and the intrinsic dimension of each class. Our approach adapts the Gaussian mixture model framework to high-dimensional data and estimates the parameters which best fit the data. We obtain a robust clustering method called High- Dimensional Data Clustering (HDDC). We apply HDDC to locate objects in natural images in a probabilistic framework. Experiments on a recently proposed database demonstrate the effectiveness of our clustering method for category localization.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 189kb Publisher : tra ba huy

通过输入连续的图像序列,得到本证图像:包括reflectance 和 shading image-Deriving intrinsic images from image sequences
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王波

DL : 0
对有棋盘格的图像进行单目摄像机标定,得到内参数和外参数-Have the checkerboard lattice images monocular camera calibration, intrinsic parameters and external parameters to be
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : 清清

DL : 0
In geometric camera calibration the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are computed based on measured image coordinates of a know calibration target. These parameters may be used to correct distorted images or image coordinates-In geometric camera calibration the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are computed based on measured image coordinates of a know calibration target. These parameters may be used to correct distorted images or image coordinates
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 段祝庚

A multi-dimensional ensemble empirical mode decomposition (MEEMD) for multi dimensional data (such as images or solid with variable density) is proposed here. The decomposition is based on the applications of ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) to slices of data in each and every dimension involved. The final reconstruction of the corresponding intrinsic mode function (IMF) is based on a comparable minima scale combination principle.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.29mb Publisher : 刘国华

基于内容的图像检索(Content-based Image Retrieval,简称CBIR)技术被提出。这一技术的出现提高了图像检索的准确性,它通过提取图像本身的内在客观特征如颜色、纹理、形状、布局等关系,并比较这些视觉特征间的相似性,自动搜索出符合用户要求的图像。-Content-based image retrieval (Content-based Image Retrieval, referred to as CBIR) techniques have been proposed. The emergence of this technology to improve the accuracy of the image retrieval, intrinsic objective characteristics by extracting an image itself such as color, texture, shape, layout relations, and compare the similarity between the visual characteristics, automatically searched out in accordance with the user requirements images.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 周佳森

对两帧图像进行ICM调试.包含内容:1估计姿态和摄像机内参数;2两幅图做四次金字塔;3利用输入特征点采用ransac算法估计姿态R, T。4sift特征匹配;5摄像机标定。-ICM images on two debugging. Contains: 1 Estimated posture and intrinsic parameters 2 two plans to do four pyramids 3 using the input feature points using ransac algorithm estimates gesture R, T. 4sift feature matching 5 camera calibration.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : 张三

数字微镜DMD空间光调制器控制平台G4100可以实现如下功能:1、兼容德州仪器TI D4100 开发系统。能够支持1920 X 1080分辨率DMD (DMD微镜为10.6微米,本征分辨率为1920X1080);同时还能支持1024 X 768分辨率的DMD(有两种微镜结构,一种是13.68 微米,对角线长度为0.7 英寸;另一种是10.8 微米的,对角线长度为0.55 英寸); 2、支持USB2.0 高速传输图片和控制信号,具有内同步和外同步功能,同步脉冲电平标准为CMOS 3.3V; 3、开放式控制软件基于Windows XP 全速度USB驱动,程序在VS2010下编写,开放式接口, 有利于二次开发; 4、提供丰富的Windows XP 的USB控制程序和API开发系统; 5、支持XGA,1080p 和1920 x 1200 分辨率单个微镜精确控制; 6、开放式FPGA 架构,提供示例FPGA 的二次开发选择和客户定制功能; 7、高速二进制和任意灰度图片显示; 8、对比度:超过2000:1; 9、波段:350nm--2700nm 可见光; 10、微镜二进制翻转频率:播放帧频可设置,目前可做到5K; 11、微镜任意时间锁定。 -DMD digital micromirror spatial light modulator control platform G4100 can achieve the following functions: 1, compatible with Texas Instruments TI D4100 development system. Can support 1920 X 1080 resolution DMD (DMD micromirror 10.6 microns, the intrinsic resolution of 1920X1080) while also supporting a resolution of 1024 X 768 DMD (micromirror structure, there are two, one is 13.68 microns, for diagonal length of 0.7 inches Another is 10.8 microns, the diagonal length of 0.55 inches) 2, support USB2.0 high speed transmission of images and control signals with the synchronization and external synchronization, sync pulse level standards as CMOS 3.3V 3, open Windows XP-based control software full speed USB drive, programming in VS2010, open interfaces, help secondary development 4, provides a wealth of Windows XP' s USB control program and API development system 5, supports XGA, 1080p and 1920 x 1200 resolution single micromirror precise control 6, open FPGA architecture, pr
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 616kb Publisher : 刘明

地震勘探采集的地震数据一般以地震道为单位进行组织,采用SEG-Y文件格式存储。SEG-Y格式是由SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)提出的标准磁带数据格式之一,它是石油勘探行业地震数据的最为普遍的格式。读取数据后经过处理可以得到有关地下构造和岩性等大量有用信息信息。但是原始数据数据量庞大而且杂乱无章,为了使大量的数据变得直观、易于理解,揭示数据间的内在联系,必须对原始数据经过一系列变换转换成图形图像,将信息以更容易理解的形式展现出来。VC++功能强大、界面友好且操作方便,因此目前PC机上通常在VC++环境下对这种格式存放地震勘探数据进行处理并实现可视化显示。笔者在做地震数据可视化时利用VC++6.0编写了地震数据的读取处理程序及绘图程序。-Seismic exploration seismic data acquired seismic traces generally organized as a unit, using stored SEG-Y file format. SEG-Y format is one of the standard tape data format by the SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) proposed, it is the most common oil exploration industry seismic data format. After reading the processed data can be obtained about the subsurface structure and lithology information a lot of useful information. But the huge amount of data and disorganized the raw data in order to make large amounts of data becomes intuitive, easy to understand, reveals the intrinsic link between data must go through a series of transformations of the original data is converted into graphic images, the information in a more easily understood form of show come out. VC++ features powerful, user-friendly and easy to operate, so now usually in the VC++ environment seismic data stored on the PC for this format to be processed and visualized display. I do seismic data visualization use VC
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 565kb Publisher : gesila1982

Intel realsense的开源驱动:只可以获取到原始数据,无官方SDK中的CV算法-Just for reference, these are the possibilities of the librealsense: Native streams: depth, color, infrared Synthetic streams: rectified images, depth aligned to color and vice versa, etc. Intrinsic/extrinsic calibration information Majority of hardware-specific functionality for individual camera generations (UVC XU controls) Multi-camera capture across heterogeneous camera architectures (e.g. mix R200 and F200 in same application)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 591kb Publisher : lulu jiao

Texture-Aware Fast Global Level Set Evolution-Due to its intrinsic advantages such as the ability to automatically handle complex shapes and topological changes, the level set method has been widely used in image segmentation. Nevertheless, in addition to be computational expensive, it has the limitation to very often lead to a local minimum because of the energy functional to be minimized is non-convex. In this work, we use the geometric active contours and the image thresholding frameworks to design a novel method for global image segmentation. The local lattice Boltzmann method is used to solve the level set equation. The proposed algorithm is therefore effective and highly parallelizable. Experimental results on satellite, natural and medical images demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed method when implemented using an NVIDIA graphics processing units The present Matlab code is the implementation of our work. For using: 1- Open the main code (TAFGLSE.m), 2- Put the adress of the image you w
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 517kb Publisher : 许雄文

Intrinsic images using optimization,2011的CVPR
Update : 2017-05-09 Size : 1.83mb Publisher :

这是一个通用透镜的摄像机标定工具箱。这个工具箱可以用来校准常规的广角镜头和鱼眼镜头相机。标定是基于对平面标定对象的观察,由标定平面和标定图像之间的控制点对应来估计摄像机内外参数。(This is a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object.The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 61kb Publisher : yangpan011

MATLAB对于二维相机的矫正或者相机标定提供了完整的解决方案,用户再也不需要写复杂的MATLAB图像处理程序来计算相机的intrinsic和extrinsic参数。作为用户来说,你的任务只是使用标准的矫正模版(calibration template)来照相,然后把这些图片提供给MATLAB相机矫正工具即可。(MATLAB provides a complete solution for 2D camera calibration or camera calibration. Users no longer need to write complex MATLAB image processing programs to calculate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of cameras. As a user, your task is to use the standard calibration template to take photos, and then provide these images to MATLAB camera correction tools.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.54mb Publisher : 宇智波朋
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