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1.高精度数字秒表(0.01秒的vhdl语言实现) 2.具有定时,暂停,按键随机存储,翻页回放功能; 3.对30M时钟分频产生显示扫描时钟 4.精度高达0.01s,并且可以通过改变主频来更改分频比和记数间隔,可控性高。 5.模块化设计,其中的许多函数可以成为vhdl语言的通用经典例子(包含分频电路设计,动态扫描时钟设计,译码电路设计,存储器设计,存储回放显示设计)-1. High-precision digital stopwatch (0.01 seconds vhdl language) 2. With a timer, suspended Random memory keys, flip playback function; 3. right 30M clock frequency scan have revealed four clock. Precision high 0.01s and and can be changed to alter the frequency than the frequency interval and Hutchison, controlled high. 5. Modular design, Many of these functions can become the common language vhdl classic examples (including sub-frequency circuit design, Dynamic scanning clock design, decoding circuit design, memory design, storage intervals showed Design)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 方周

设计一个6层电梯控制器。电梯控制器是按照乘客的要求自动上、下的装置。 1、每层电梯入口处设置上下请求开关,电梯内设有顾客到达层次的停站请求开关。 2、设有电梯所处位置指示装置以及电梯运行模式(上升或者下降)指示装置。 3、电梯每秒升降一层楼。 4、电梯到达有停站请求的楼层,经过1秒电梯门打开,开门4秒后,电梯门关闭(开门指示灯灭),电梯继续运行,直至执行完最后一个请求信号后停留在当前层。 5、电梯能记忆电梯内外所有请求信号,并按照电梯运行规则按顺序响应,每个请求信号保留至有电梯响应后消除。 6、初始状态为一层开门,第一层不用向下开关,最高层不用向上开关。 7、电梯运行规则:当电梯上升时,只响应比电梯所在位置高的上楼请求信号,由下而上逐个执行,直到最后一个上楼请求执行完毕;如果高层有下楼请求,则直接升到下楼请求的最高楼层,然后进入下降模式。当电梯处于下降模式时与上升正好相反。 -design of a six-story elevator controller. Elevator Controller in accordance with the requirements of passengers automatically, the device. 1, installed on each floor elevator entrance next request switches, elevator begins to reach the level of customer stops request switch. 2, the location of elevator and escalator installations instructions operation mode (up or down) device instructions. 3, Elevator per second floor landing. 4, the lift reached a request stops floors seconds after an elevator doors open door four seconds later, elevator doors closed (to open the door to eliminate light), the continued operation of the lift, End until the implementation of the final request for a signal to stay in the current layer. 5, the lift will lift internal and external memory signal to all reques
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : zheng

Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simple counter running on it, and when SW0 is in the up position the seven segment decoder will display scan codes from the PS2 port. This demo how ever does not drive the RS-232 port or the memory. This is a simple design done entirely VHDL not microblaze.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 714kb Publisher : Roy Hsu

在信息处理中,特别是实时视频图像处理中,通常都要对实现视频图像进行处理,而这首先必须设计大容量的存储器,同步动态随机存储器SDRAM虽然有价格低廉、容量大等优点,但因SDRAM的控制结构复杂,常用的方法是设计SDRAM通用控制器,这使得很多人不得不放弃使用SDRAM而使用价格昂贵的SRAM。为此,笔者在研究有关文献的基础上,根据具体情况提出一种独特的方法,实现了对SDRAM的控制,并通过利用FPGA控制数据存取的顺序来实现对数字视频图像的旋转,截取、平移等实时处理。-In information processing, especially real-time video image processing usually have to deal with video images, which must first be designed large-capacity memory, synchronous dynamic random access memory SDRAM Although there are low cost, large capacity, etc., but SDRAM control structure of the complex, commonly used method is to design generic SDRAM controller, which makes a lot of people had to abandon the use of SDRAM and the use of expensive SRAM. To this end, the authors examine the literature based on the specific situation in a unique way to realize the control of SDRAM, and control data through the use of FPGA to realize the order of access to digital video image rotation, interception, translation, such as real-time processing.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 134kb Publisher : 赵明玺

用verilog实现了IIC接口与EEPROM存储器的接口设计,非常实用-Using Verilog realize the IIC interface with the EEPROM memory interface design, very useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : zhangyanbo

16位cpu设计VHDL源码,其中包括alu,clock,memory等部分的设计-16 cpu design VHDL source code, including alu, clock, memory and other parts of the design
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : 孙冰

超声视频图像需要实时地采集并在处理后在显示器上重建,图像存储器就必须不断地写入数据,同时又要不断地从存储器读出数据送往后端处理和显示[11]。为了满足这种要求,可以在采集系统中设置2片容量一样的SRAM,通过乒乓读写机制来管理。任何时刻,只能有1片SRAM处于写状态,同时也只有1片SRAM处于读状态。工作期间,2片SRAM都处于读写状态轮流转换的过程,转换的过程相同,但是状态错开,从而保证数据能连续地写人和读出祯存.-Real-time ultrasound video images need to collect and deal with the reconstruction after the display, image memory must be continually write data, while at the same time continuously sent from the memory读出数据back-end processing and display [11]. To meet this requirement, you can set up collection system capacity of two different SRAM, read and write through the ping-pong mechanisms to manage. At any time, can only have a SRAM in write state, but also the only one at a time the state of SRAM. Work, two SRAM read and write are in the process of converting a state of rotation, the conversion process of the same, but the state staggered to ensure that data can be continuously written and read out Qizhen depositors.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : smj1980

数字系统设计基础教程 本书将数字系统作为一个整体的系统,并按层次结构对数字系统进行划分和论述。论题涉及了数字系统技术的各个方面,如:数制、编码、布尔代数、逻辑门、组合逻辑设计、时序电路、VHDL基本概念、VLSI设计基本概念、CMOS逻辑电路和硅芯片、存储器部件、计算机原理和计算机体系结构基础知识等等。本书将传统的数字电路知识和现代技术相结合,适于大专院校相关专业的学生作教科书之用。 -Digital System Design Essentials book digital system as a whole system, together with a hierarchical structure of digital systems division and expositions. Topics related to digital systems in all aspects of technology, such as: the number system, coding, Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational logic design, sequential circuits, VHDL basic concepts, VLSI design of the basic concepts, CMOS logic circuits and silicon chips, memory components, computer principles and basic knowledge of computer architecture and so on. This book will be a traditional digital circuit knowledge and modern technology, suitable for students of the relevant professional institutions for use in textbooks.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17.36mb Publisher : 陨星

DL : 0
用allegro画的ddr存储器电路。六层板设计,很好的参考资料-Allegro painting with ddr memory circuit. Six-storey plate design, very good reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 364kb Publisher : 朱宝军

最重要的是七个从简单到复杂的实验,包括:基础实验一_FPGA_LED 基础实验二_seg7实验以及仿真 基础实验三_SOPC_LED 基础实验四_Flash烧写 基础实验五_定时器实验 基础实验六_按键以及PIO口中断实验 实验七_网卡使用 ,这些实验室用到了SOPC BUILDER 与NOIS ii ,使用Verilog 编写,有实验板和没有实验板的都可以用来学习。 其次还包括: FPGA开发板各存储器之间的联系、 多处理器文档 、 USB_UART等文档,很好用的文档,您下了相信不会后悔!-The most important thing is seven from simple to complex experiments, including: the basis of the experimental basis for a _FPGA_LED experiment II _seg7 the basis of experiment and simulation experiments based on three experiments _SOPC_LED programmer _Flash the basis of four experiments of five experiments _ timer six experimental basis _ keys, as well as experimental experimental PIO interrupt I _ 7 card use, these laboratories used the SOPC BUILDER with NOIS ii, the use of Verilog to prepare, there are no experimental test panels and plates can be used to learn. The second also includes: FPGA development board of the links between memory, multi-processor documents, USB_UART such as documents, useful documents, you will not regret it a sure!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.78mb Publisher : yuezhiying_007

针对高速数字信号处理的要求,提出用FPGA 实现基- 4FFT 算法,并对其整体结构、蝶形单 元进行了分析. 采用蝶算单元输入并行结构和同址运算,能同时提供蝶形运算所需的4 个操作 数,具有最大的数据并行性,能提高处理速度 按照旋转因子存放规则,蝶形运算所需的3 个旋转 因子地址相同,且寻址方式简单 输出采取与输入相似的存储器 运算单元同时采用3 个乘法的 复数运算算法来实现.-In accordance with the requirements of high speed digital signal processing , the algorithmof radix O4 implemented with FPGA and the integrated architecture and butterfly unit are analyzed. With butterfly u2 nit input which is designed by parallel structure and the same address calculation , four operation codes the butterfly unit needs can be provided simultaneously to have the most data parallel and improve the speed of calculation. According to the rotation parameters memory regulation , the addresses of three rotation parame2 ters of butterfly unit are the same with simple style of address generation and similar input and output memo2 ries. The operating unit adopted is implemented by three complex calculation algorithm of multiplication si2 multaneously.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 352kb Publisher : 王晓

This project features a complete JPEG Hardware Compressor (standard Baseline DCT, JFIF header) with 2:1:1 subsampling, able to compress at a rate of up to 24 images per second (on XC2V1000-4 @ 40 MHz with resolution 352x288). Image resolution is not limited. It takes an RGB input (row-wise) and outputs to a memory the compressed JPEG image. Its quality is comparable to software solutions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.26mb Publisher : Bill Guan

This simple example allows you to get familiar with Active-HDL s Memory Viewer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : leiyu

Wishbone to LPC (Low-Pin Count) Bridge, includes master and slave modules. Supports 8-bit I/O Read and Write cycles, 8-bit Memory Read/Write cycles, DMA cycles, and up to 32-bit Firmware memory read/write cycles. Serial IRQ support is also provided. None of this has been tested (yet) with a third-party LPC Peripheral or Host.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 401kb Publisher : Arun

应用不同的用户可选择回旋滤波器的图像处理部件。一套PC应用程序将图像档案下载到一个FPGA可访问的存储器阵列。处理过的图像显示在连接的VGA显示屏上。 -Users can choose to apply a different room of the image processing filter components. A set of PC applications will be image files downloaded to a FPGA can access the memory array. Processed image displayed on the VGA display connection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.69mb Publisher : chenlunhai

(1)用VHDL实现四层电梯运行控制器。 (2)电梯运行锁用一按钮代替(开锁上电),低电平可以运行,高电平不能运行。 (3)每层电梯入口处设有上行、下行请求按钮,电梯内设有乘客到达层次的停站要求开关,高电平有效。 (4)有电梯所处楼层指示灯和电梯上行、下行状态指示灯。 (5)电梯到达某一层时,该层指示灯亮,并一直保持到电梯到达另一层为止。电梯上行或下行时,相应状态指示灯亮。 (6)电梯接收到停站请求后,每层运行2秒,到达停站层,停留2秒后门自动打开,开门指示灯亮,开门6秒后电梯自动关门。 (7)能记忆电梯内、外的请求信号,并按照电梯的运行规则依次响应,请求信号保留至响应后撤除。 (8)人数超载或超重用一按钮代替,高电平有效,超载时电梯不能运行,并有相应指示。 (9)事故报警按钮高电平有效,事故报警不能运行,并有指示灯,信号保留至事故消除 -(1) the realization of four-storey elevator with VHDL controller operation. (2) elevator button with a lock to run in place of (unlock power), low run, can not run high. (3) on each floor with elevator at the entrance to the uplink, downlink request button, which are equipped with passenger elevators to reach the level of the requirements of stoppings switch, high effective. (4) elevators and escalators which lights up the floor, down the state indicator. (5) elevator to reach a certain level, the level indicator light, and has remained until the elevator arrived at another level. Elevator uplink or downlink, the corresponding status indicator light. (6) Elevator stops receiving a request, each running two seconds to reach the stops layer, two seconds back door stay open automatically, open the door indicator light, 6 seconds after the elevator door closed automatically. (7) to memory elevator inside and outside the request signal, and in accordance with the rules followed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 283kb Publisher : 管皮皮

This single cycle 16-bit computer with testbenches written in Verilog. It shows a result based on the instruction memory. I also included documents about the structure of the single cycle computer-This is single cycle 16-bit computer with testbenches written in Verilog. It shows a result based on the instruction memory. I also included documents about the structure of the single cycle computer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : my_watt

vhdl code for FIFO memory with controler
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 713kb Publisher : Mihai

DL : 0
块DDS芯片中主要包括频率控制寄存器、高速相位累加器和正弦计算器三个部分(如Q2220)。频率控制寄存器可以串行或并行的方式装载并寄存用户输入的频率控制码;而相位累加器根据dds频率控制码在每个时钟周期内进行相位累加,得到一个相位值;正弦计算器则对该相位值计算数字化正弦波幅度(芯片一般通过查表得到)。DDS芯片输出的一般是数字化的正弦波,因此还需经过高速D/A转换器和低通滤波器才能得到一个可用的模拟频率信号。 -In the programming step, the electronic controller fills the memory with data. Each datum is a binary word representing the amplitude of the signal at an instant of time. The array of data in the memory then forms a table of amplitudes, with time implied by the position in the table. If, for example, the first half of the table were filled with zeroes and the second half with values of 100 , then the data would represent a square wave. Any other wave shape can be created simply by altering the data. Devices are also available that cannot be programmed, and can only output sinewaves or a small number of waveforms.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 李彦伟

设计一个简化的处理器(字长8位),并使其与内存MEM连接,协调工作。用VHDL以RTL风格描述。该处理器当前执行的指令存放在指令寄存器IR中。处理器的指令仅算逻指令和访问内存指令)。-Design a simplified processor (8-bit word length), and connect it with the memory MEM, and coordination. Described with VHDL in RTL style. The processor is currently executing instruction stored in the instruction register IR. Arithmetic Logic processor instructions and instructions only access memory instructions).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.52mb Publisher : jinxf
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