Description: The use of VHDL language design DPLL (digital phase-locked loop) of the relevant documents
To Search:
- [zicaiyang] - technical article, Since sampling propor
- [pll1] - The program s function is to achieve the
- [dxz] - Low phase noise, low-noise digital phase
- [DPLL] - A programmable DPLL thread can be used t
- [DPLL2] - All-digital phase-locked loop circuit de
- [DPLL(VHDL)] - The use of VHDL language of digital phas
- [phase_lock_vhdl] - To achieve phase-locked loop in the VHDL
- [ethernet] - ethernet MAC controller VHDL realize
- [pll] - Implementation of the principle of phase
- [PWM] - Four-way controller PWM output, input fr
File list (Check if you may need any files):
一种实用的利用锁相环实现的倍频电路 .pdf